
Showing posts from October, 2014

Abuse of public office for private gain rife in Ghana

A former Rector of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Professor Stephen Adei, has said the nation’s quest to achieve a high degree of accountability in the public service rests primarily on the shoulders of civil society. “Given the current state of lack of political will, politicisation of media discussion of corruption and accountability, the only way to assure appropriate executive response lies with effective civil society demand for accountability,” he said. He said it was disheartening for corruption, waste and abuse to be unearthed year after year with public display of those who were corrupt and yet citizens saw no outcome in terms of prosecution and sentencing of those involved. “Many Ghanaians simply accept ‘go and come tomorrow’, accept and give bribe for public service and will not report bribery and corruption incidents because they believe that will not amount to much. It requires concerted efforts on the part of civil society leadersh

The Roman Sister and the driver

A man saw a Roman sister and decided to give her a lift in his car. As the car was moving, the man placed his hand on the laps of the sista pretending he was looking for the gear lever. The sista cast a glance at him and shouted; "Matthew chapter 7, verse 7". The man quickly removed his hand. After a short time, he placed his hands on her lap again. The sister shouted at him again, "Matthew chapter 7, verse 7". The man nervously removed his hand. The sista reached her destination and got off the car, cast another glance at the man and said, "so you don't read your Bible!" When the man got home he opened his Bible to Matthew 7:7 and it says "ASK AND IT SHALL Be GIVEN". The man shouted; AWURADE ME Di NKWASEAS3M.....

Gulkpegu Naa damns NDC Gbewaa youth

The Gulkpegu Naa’s palace has dismissed the National Democratic Congress (NDC) pressure group called Gbewaa Youth Association’s assertions that Naa Alhaji Alhassan Abdulai threatened to lock up offices of the Tamale Metropolitan Chief Executive. The NDC Gbewaa Youth Association in an earlier interview with Citi News alleged that the Gulkpegu chief was collaborating with the Nyankpala chief to usurp the powers of the Tamale MCE, Abdul Hanan Gundado. The group served notice to clash with the two chiefs and their subjects if they dared. In a rebuttal, the Gulkpegu Naa’s Secretary, Mohammed Rashad Abdulai called the bluff of the NDC Gbewaa Youth Association and described them as “sycophants.” He suggested that the group’s assertion in the media was meant to denigrate Gulkpegu Naa, Alhaji Alhassan Abdulai. He cautioned political groupings in the Tamale Metro Area against any attempts to disrespect the Gulkpegu Naa to satisfy their paymasters. “They don’t have that power to block anybo

Police alert to avert blood bath in Tamale

Pressure group of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC) called Gbewaa youth is threatening to fight back two chiefs who are allegedly planning to lock up the office of the Tamale Metropolitan Chief Executive. Intelligence reports picked up by Citi News indicated that security operatives in the Tamale Metropolis are on a high alert to avert any possible bloody clashes. Members of the Gbewaa Youth are accusingGulkpegu-Naa and the chief of Nyankpala of attempting to usurp the powers of the Tamale MCE, Abdul Hanan Gundado. According to the group’s Spokesperson, Mohammed Sisudeen, the Gulkpegu-Naa, Alhaji Abdulai Alhassan and Nyankpal-lana, Yakubu have failed in their attempt to coerce President John Dramani Mahamato sack the Tamale MCE, Abdul Hanan Gundado, hence their alleged threat to forcefully evict him. “We are reliably informed that two chiefs in Tamale and Nyankpala have asked the President, John Dramani Mahama to remove from office the Tamale Metropolitan Chief Execu

The destroyed evidence

A married lawyer was having fun with a prostitute in his car. On getting home, his wife saw panties on the back seat. She tore it apart screaming, " Yam-Naa ! What is this?!" The lawyer retorted, "What is what? I don't know what your're talking about!" The wife replied, "This Panties! I saw it in your car this evening!" Quickly, His lawyerly instincts kicked in and calmly said, "You just destroyed the evidence of a rape case worth a million cedi I'm handling." She fell on her knees apologizing.


The teacher told her class the word of the day was "dictate" and asked who could spell it. Naporo raised his hand and he spelled out, "d-i-k-t-a-t-e." The teacher said, "sorry that's wrong". Then she asked Yam-Naa. Yam-Naa slowly spelled out, "d-i-c-k-t-a-t-e". "Sorry" says the teacher, "that's not right either." Next, she asked Maryam. After a slight pause Maryam began spelling, "d-i-c-t-a-t-e." "Very good Maryam," applauded the teacher, "that's correct. Now," the teacher continued, "I want someone to use the word in a sentence?" Yam-Naa raised his hand quick as a flash shouting, "I know-I know," "OK" replied the teacher, "please use the word dictate in a sentence, Yam-Naa". Yam-Naa responded, "How did my dicktate last night, Maryam?"


Yesterday I slept. It was a fitful sleep I tossed and turned Whimpered and yearned For the moment I would wake Because, Yesterday I dreamed I dreamed of you I dreamed of me We made plans Wanted a family Yesterday you died I am kneeling once again Upon the freshly packed earth Staring at the spot that will soon bear your marker A tear traces its saline trail from the corner of my eye Down my nose and now, it hangs precariously off the tip It drops to the ground And finally it hits me: YOU’RE down there! There’s no air! You can’t breathe! My fingers scratch at the earth Frantically Hot liquid streams down my face as I call to you My nails break but I feel nothing I ignore the blood from the pads of my fingers I must get to you. My heart is hammering, Loudly in my ears And now the soil is moist with my tears Hands grab onto mine in an attempt to still them A voice Insistent in my ear And yet I do not understand They’re wrong! You’re not gone! You can’t

3 teacher unions declare another strike

Three teacher unions in the country  will begin another indefinite strike from Tuesday. The Unions are the Ghana National Association of Teachers(GNAT), the Coalition of Concerned Teachers(CCT) and the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT). Though the three teacher unions are already on strike with other labour groups, the latest strike declared by them [three teacher unions] is to protest the non-payment of their transfer grants and vehicle maintenance allowances. They say efforts to get government to address their grievances have proved futile. The three unions maintained that they will not call off their strike even if the forum protesting the non-payment of their pension funds call off the ongoing strike. Speaking to Citi News, the National Vice President of NAGRAT, Angel Kabonu  said  “if our grievances are not addressed teachers will remain on strike until our grievances are addressed.” Responding to an earlier defiance by their members to strike, Mr. Kabonu sa

Health trainees demonstrate against government

Frustrated health trainees in the Northern Region have demonstrated in Tamale against government over their unpaid accumulated allowances. They are also unhappy about government’s failure to employ three batches of graduates of the School of Hygiene. The angry health trainees slammed government for creating the erroneous impression that GHC140 million was used to pay 2012/2013 batch of trainee nurses. They have served notice to seek legal redress if government failed to address their legitimate concerns. Some of the health trainees carried placards on the streets of Tamale which read, “President Mahama pay us our money yabre,” “Your health is our concern,” “Our allowance, your health,” “Health is wealth,” “We have been sacked because of school fees,” “GHC140 million paid to who, ghost?” and “We owe banks because of school fees.” Their petition among others, stated that health trainees were suffering under the prevailing conditions. “We are suffering: students have been sacked bec

Northern Ghana Elite, The Blood Suckers Of Northern Ghana

“I remember very clearly how angry progressive Ghanaians and Africans were when Obama came to Ghana and asked Africans to stop blaming colonialism and rather tighten their belts and eradicate corruption in Africa. I was one of them. Today I cannot help but call on all Northerners to stop blaming Southern domination and look into ourselves to fight the enemies of the North. The enemies of the North, those who seek our destruction, those who seek to imprison the North in darkness, poverty, ignorance, diseases and perpetual cup in hand begging and relying on government handouts are the Elite of the North. Yes! our own Elite. Because, our Southern brothers have given us more than enough since independence. Folks, one thing I know very well are that the Northern elite are the curse of the North. Why did Kwame Nkrumah institute the Northern scholarship scheme? Why did Kwame Nkrumah include so many Northerners in his cabinet; such as Hon. E. A. Mahama (John Mahama’s father), Hon. Imoru Egal

Northerners Stabbing ‘Brother Mahama’

A 70-year old native of Bole, the hometown of President John Dramani Mahama, has taken a swipe at people of Northern extraction, who have been given appointments in governments since independence, but have failed to live up to expectation. Dr. Albert Nuhu, who The Herald’s findings, have established is a confidante of President Mahama, bitterly lamented about how people he called “Northern Elite”, have disappointed their “kith and kings” from the three northern regions, after the overwhelming confidence reposed in them by the various presidents, including Kwame Nkrumah, Jerry Rawlings, John Kufuor, John Evans Atta Mills and John Dramani Mahama. In an article published on JoyFM’s news portal, on Monday, Dr. Nuhu charged “…. I cannot help but call on all Northerners to stop blaming Southern domination and look into ourselves to fight the enemies of the North. The enemies of the North, those who seek our destruction, those who seek to imprison the North in darkness

13 crushed on Bole road

Thirteen persons are feared dead after their vehicle fell into a ditch and somersaulted several times on the Bole Bamboi road in the Northern Region, Thursday. The crash involved a commercial vehicle said to be traveling from Karba to Techiman in the Brong Ahafo Region. Bole Police commander, ASP Eric Awiadem,who confirmed the incident to Joy News, said “thirteen people include seven males, four females and two children – between the ages of two and three have been confirmed dead”. He said the driver, instead of 15 passengers had picked nine extra passengers and that is suspected to be thecause of the accident. However when the driver was questioned bythe police, he said his front tire entered a pothole causing the vehicle to veer off the road. Seven people including the driver are currently receiving treatment at the Bole Government hospital.

Salaries of suspected ‘ghost names’ frozen

Controller and Accountant General Government workers across seven regions without bank accounts will not receive their October salaries, the Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) has indicated. According to the CAGD, the move forms part of measures to sanitize the payroll system from ‘ghost names’ which continue to drain government’s revenue. Government has been battling to rid the payroll system of ghost names receiving salaries from the CAGD. In order to halt the payment of such monies however the CAGD in September 2014, suspended salaries of about 20,000 employees without bank accounts in the Greater Accra, Volta, Central, and Western regions. In a press release copied to, the exercise will be extended to the remaining regions including Eastern, Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Northern, Upper East and Upper West regions in October, 2014. The Controller and Accountant Generals Department  deleted 3,179 ghost names from the pay rolls of public institutions

Tamale youth bare teeth at chief over indiscriminate sale of lands

Tamale, the Northern Region capital, have protested against theTamale Dakpema chief over what they describe as indiscriminate sale of lands in the metropolis. The angry youth marched to the chief's palace demanding that he rescind his decision over the sale of the Kaladan Parkto private developers. This resulted in a verbal exchange with theentertainment chief of the Dakpema, Deema-Na Hafiz after he had attempted to deny them access to the Dakpema chief. The Tamale Kaladan Park is a recreational facility where school children, football clubs and keepfit clubs in the metropolis use for sporting activities. It used to be the official match venue for Real Tamale United (RTU) until the construction of the Tamale ports stadium in 2008. Spokesperson of the angry youth Mohammed Zakaria told Joy News for more than three months buildings have taken over the Kaladan Park. He said the Dakpema chief must"maintain the Kaladan Park...the benefits which the metropolis is getting in ter

Gay doctor begs for forgiveness

The senior medical doctor at the Effia Nkwanta Government Hospital mired in a sodomy scandal is begging for forgiveness. Dr. Sulley Ali-Gabass, a practicing Muslim and a respected member of the Muslim Community in Takoradi, sent a distress message to Muslim leaders to forgive and help him deal with his sexual orientation. He told an opinion leader of the Muslim Community that as a Muslim, he recognized it was wrong for him to be involved with fellow men, but added he had tried in vain to stop. He said the Muslim Community, where he is an inspiration to many young people, should not abandon him. Joy News’ Manasseh Azure Awuni blew the cover on Dr. Ali-Gabass’ homosexual activities in a thrilling investigation. A victim of the medical doctor, Aziz (not his real name) has been left badly injured and required surgery to survive. The 16-year-old has also been diagnosed with HIV. He accuses Dr. Ali-Gabass of infecting him with the virus – a charge the medical doctor flatly rejected.

Sodomy: DOVVSU invites Dr. Gabass

The Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the Western Regional Police Command have launched investigations into a case in which a medical doctor is alleged to have sodomised a 16-year-old senior high school student. Speaking to the Daily Graphic, the Commander of the Unit, Assistant Superintendent of Police Mr Frank Nana Asumani, said the unit had served Dr Sulle Ali Gabass with an invitation through the Effia-Nkwanta Regional Referral Hospital to appear before it. He said although there was no formal complaint made to the command, the allegations bordered on criminality and the police would not wait for a complaint before acting. Dr Gabass stands accused for sodomising the student (name withheld) on five occasions, three times in his vehicle and two times in the doctor’s house at Alajo in Accra, according to a JOY FM news report. According to the report, the doctor had offered the victim money after the first act which he declined and had subsequently deleted the

Labour Unions declare indefinite strike

Labour unions will from Wednesday, October 22 embark on an indefinite strike. According to them, the action has become necessary because of government’s failure to pay their tier-two pension contributions. The unions that declared the strike include the Health Services Workers’ Union, Ghana Registered Nurses’ Association, Ghana Medical Association, Ghana Physician Assistants’ Association, Government and Hospitals Pharmacists’ Association and the Ghana Association of Certified Registered Anesthetists. The rest are the Coalition of Concerned Teachers, Ghana National Association of Teachers, Teachers and Education Workers Union, National Association of Graduate Teachers, Judicial Services Staff Association of Ghana and the Civil and Local Government Staff Association of Ghana. They have directed all their members to stay away from their offices from Wednesday “until further directives are issued.” Speaking at a press conference on behalf of the labour unions in Accra, the acting Gene

Fans "Attack" Ahuofe Patri For Posing With An “Erected” Guy Half Naked

Posing in a picture with a bikini as a celebrity is well accepted worldwide. But some are yet to admit such culture in Ghana in this 21 century. Even though many would want to see most popular Ghanaian female artists in bikinis, they always find it abnormal and boorish to see those pictures on social media. Fans of these popular persons on social media have always criticized semi-nude pictures of their so-called celebs to the extent of calling them unhealthy names, but to be famous, you must have that thick skin to absorb the insults. Ahuofe Patricia, who is gradually becoming a household name in the entertainment industry for her outstanding role in a comic series “Boys Kasa” is now facing the ire of her fans on social media, specifically Facebook for posing in what many described as a tempting picture. Clad in a black bikini exposing little flesh, thus, the ass, with a well-built abdominal muscle guy in red shorts, Ahuofe Patri as affectionately called in the comic series posted

A Graduate’s romantic letter to President Mahama

Dear President Mahama, This letter is not from one of your “detractors” or the opposition and neither is it from one of your praise singers. It’s from a fresh graduate of Ghana; an apolitical graduate of our beloved country Ghana. And pardon me Sir, the title of this letter seems to suggest some sweet talks but this letter has nothing to do with the usual romantic talks you get from your party apparatchiks. I’m one of those who believe that, perhaps, you are just not aware or being made aware of the REAL situations in Ghana presently. So please permit me to write you this letter. As our president, I think it is important to draw your attention to some of the questions I’m struggling to find answers to in a non-partisan manner. I hope you remove your political glasses and also bar your praise singers from clouding your judgement on this letter (I hope you understand). Mr. President, I recently finished my Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Ghana’s number one business schoo

The evil that women do

Com'on guys, have you ever experienced this at any point of your life? You find a very gorgeous, full figured, 5.11 feet plus lady. She is coffee brown complexion or maybe fair like a river goddess, with long flowing hair, ruby red lips, sparkling eyes, sexy and curvy hips. Then you take her home with pride only to wake up with a flat- chested, short chick who is equally as black as charcoal, bald, chapped-lipped with crossed eyes and stilettos off. Please, tell me what will you do in such situation? Run? Scream? Faint? Or just continue with the night fun? Please, feel free to share your thoughts with me. But, why in the name of humanity do we ladies/women do this to men? Deceiving them to believe we are what we are not! This is called false advertisement and justice should be done. Let your man like, love and accept you for who you really are and not a fake personality and curvy figures. Let's start with the bleaching, which I have constantly hammered on; Don't those w

Gay medical doctor sodomizes SHS boy

Joy News investigation has uncovered the activities of a gay medical doctor who puts the lives of his victims in danger. Dr. Sulley Ali-Gabass, a senior medical officer at Effia Nkwanta Regional Hospital in Takoradi, had anal sex with a 16-year-old senior secondary school student who has now been diagnosed of HIV/AIDS. In the first of a two-part investigative series, Joy News’ Manasseh Azure Awuni tells the story of this sixteen year old boy whose life took a tragic turn after he met Dr. Ali-Gabass. Aziz, who has been given an alias for the purposes of this report, is a 16 year old boy. A second year student of a senior high school. He met a man on facebook he took as his role model. In September last year, Aziz met Dr. Sulley Ali-Gabass for the first time where he was convinced into having sex with the doctor. Aziz says after the first sexual encounter, he got angry with the doctor and deleted his contacts both on facebook and on his phone but the doctor threatened to expose him.

Teacher Butchered In Bunkrugu Dispute

A 35 year old teacher has been butchered to death in the Bunkrugu -Yunyoo District of theNorthern Region, following a chieftaincy dispute on Saturday. The deceased, identified as Amos Nawas was said to have been attacked and killed in his house. The clash between two Bimobas royal factions – Jamong and Jacob – in Bunkrugu left two others sustaining gunshot wounds. About 34 houses were also set on fire in the heat of the clash, Joy News Northern Regional correspondent, Hashmin Mohammed reports. The clash erupted as a result of suspicion of murder. Apparently, the Jamong faction had discovered the body of a missing 70 year old farmer in the bush.

Abudus and Andanis frustrating Tamale Police

The Police in Tamale in the Northern Region has revealed how the two main chieftaincy gates in the region, Abudus and Andanis, are hampering their efforts to maintain sanity on the roads. The Abudu and Andani Royal gates are also perceived to be divided politically, withsoft spots for the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP). The Police has begun to clamp down on traffic regulation offenders in Tamale because of a recent report that revealed, about 88 people have died through road crashes in the Northern Region within the last eight months. According to the Police, any attempt to arrest traffic offenders who belong to anyof the two gates, results in verbal abuse and accusations of being bias against one of the factions. Frustrated Regional Police Commander, DCOP Ken Yeboah Speaking at a meeting with tipper truck driver unions in Tamale said; “Why is it that we don’t want the laws to be enforced in Tamale? Once you arrest somebody yo

Black Stars consolidate lead in group E

Agyeman Badu seals the deal for the Black Stars on the 90th minute mark giving Ghana a 3-1 advantage against Guinea. The Black Stars have been victorious after drawing their away game which widened the odds for the 4-time champions of Africa. Andre Ayew's penalty kick elevated the scoreline in favour of the Black Stars to 2 goals to 1 against their Guinean counterparts in the 58th. minute. Guinea levelled the score in the 32nd. minute by a Yattara goal making it 1-1. Asamoah Gyan put Ghana in the lead in the 12th. minute at the Tamale Stadium in the qualification for 2015 AFCON in Morocco. Ghana is captained by Asamoah Gyan with support from the impressive Jordan Ayew who has been hardworking in recent matches. Ghana’s starting-line-up: Stephen Adams, Harrison Afful, Baba Abdul Rahman, Awal Mohammed, Jonathan Mensah, Rabiu Mohammed, Solomon Asante, Kwadwo Asamoah, Asamoah Gyan, Jordan Ayew, Dede Ayew.

Black Stars supporters in car crash, one dead

Fans traveling from Kumasi to Tamale to watch the Africa Cup of Nations qualifier match between the Black Stars and their Guinean counterparts have been involved in an accident leaving one dead and several others injured. The accident according to reports occurred on the Kumasi -Tamale highway, Wednesday afternoon. The cause of the accident is being investigated by the Tamale Police. Ghana plays Guinea in Tamale in the Northern region in the qualifiers for the Africa Cup of Nations competition next January.

Ebola fears: Guinean fans to be given separate stands at Tamale

Soccer fans accompanying the Guinean football team for Wednesday’s AFCON qualifier against Ghana, will be given separate stands at the Tamale Sports Stadium to prevent them coming into contact with Ghanaian spectators, the Interior Minister has said. The two countries will face off in the second leg of the 2015 African Cup of Nations qualifier in the Northern Regional Capital amid fears from the Ghanaians that some of the supporters could sneak into the country without going through the screening exercises at the ports. The Black Stars secured a crucial away draw in the first leg played in Casablanca, Morocco due to the outbreak of Ebola in the home team’s country- one of the worst hit in West Africa. But Interior Minister, Mark Woyongo who is on a tour of the Nsawam Medium Security Prisons, has told Joy News’ Seth Kwame Boateng the Guineans will be closely monitored before, during and after the game. “The Police Administration has been instructed to pay particular attention to tha

Black Stars arrive in Tamale

Hundreds of enthusiastic soccer fans stormed the Tamale Airport to welcome the senior national football team, the Black Stars. The Stars are in Tamale to play Guinea in the return leg of the 2015 African Nations qualifier. The two teams shared the spoils on Saturday when they played a 1-1 drawn game in Casablanca, Morocco. Ghana sits on top of the group with 5 points, followed by Uganda with 4, Guinea also has 4 points while Togo has 3. The players, immediately after touching down and checking in at their hotel, went to train at the Tamale Sports Stadium, and postponed a planned courtesy calls on the Northern Regional Minister and some selected chiefs in Tamale township on their arrival. Hundreds of fans moved to the stadium to watch the Black Stars train ahead of their Wednesday encounter. The Tamale Sports Callers Association (TSCA) was very instrumental in mobilizing the fans to welcome Asamoah Gyan and his team mates. However, Sule Ali Muntari’s fans in the metropolis were un

Over 200 secondary students in Ashanti Region borrow uniforms for school

More than 200 students of Asare Bediako Senior High School in the Ashanti Region borrow uniforms from senior colleagues for school because authorities have failed to supply uniforms they have paid for. For two years, second year female students of the school located at Akrokerri in the Adansi South District, have been stuck with wearing a worn-out check-frock, while the boys wear different unapproved attires for classes. Students explain although they have paid the required fee for the approved uniforms school authorities have failed to provide them with the official school uniforms.. A student told Luv FM's Prince Appiah students who completed the school more than two years ago also attended classes without uniforms. According to the student, the cost of the official uniform is part of a fee of GH¢157.00 students are made to pay for various items in the first year. But after paying this fee, they do not recieve the uniforms. A furious parent told Prince the situation is unfo

POTAG strike hindering conversion of Polytechnics to Universities – Minister

A three-week strike by Polytechnic teachers has hindered plans to convert the institutions into technical universities by 2016, says Education Minister. Professor Naana Jane Opoku Agyemang said, strike by the Polytechnic Teachers Association of Ghana (POTAG) did put-off development partners working with government to achieve the feat. Government’s plans to convert polytechnics into technical universities is aimed at repositioning polytechnics as strategic institutions for the training of highly skilled human resource to drive the nation’s socioeconomic development. Polytechnic teachers laid down their tools in June this year for three weeks in protest of non-payment of their book and research allowances. Government indicated its intention to scrap the allowance to tertiary institution lecturers last year, and announced the setting up of a National Research Fund. Speaking at the graduation ceremony of the Accra Polytechnic last Friday, the Education Minister although “external part

Africa’s richest Presidents: Why Jonathan’s position is not the biggest news

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan speaks to the media on the situation in Chibok and the success of the World Economic Forum in Abuja May 9, 2014. The news of Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan listed as the 6th Richest African president by a US-based website has been so viral in Africa’s online media it has overshadowed others in the list, even those atop him. While the makers of the list did not reveal how they calculated the wealth of the African heads of state, that of Jonathan was pinned at $100 million. But this is only a fraction of the given sum of the President atop the list, but that president is not making the headlines as the man who runs Africa’s largest economy. Perhaps this is because Jonathan is the President of Africa’s most populated country, and arguably the continent’s most online-active citizenry, most of which are dissatisfied with the political elite whom they perceive as “very corrupt.” Then throw in the fact that President Jonathan is famed for pridin

Ras Mubarak flees Ablekuma to try Kumbugu seat

After a resounding defeat in his attempt to become the Member of Parliament for Ablekuma North constituency, National Democratic Congress (NDC) youth activist, Ras Mubarak is making a play for  the Kumbungu seat in the Northern Region. The New Patriotic Party MP Joe Appiah, won the Ablekuma North constituency seat with about 60% of the total votes cast, while Ras Mubarak got 38.8% of the votes. Ras Mubarak has now ditched the Ablekuma North constituency which is largely seen as a seat for the NPP and launched another political journey on social media site facebook, announcing his intention to contest the Kumbungu seat. So far, over 1,000 people have liked the specially created page. Ras Mubarak confirmed to that the facebook page belongs to him but declined to make any further comments about his intentions. The Kumbugu seat was won by the Convention People’s Party (CPP) after a bye-election in May 2013. The incumbent MP at the time, Alhaji Mohammed Mumuni abdicat

Three regions embezzle GH₵21 Million, Public Accounts Committee discovers

Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in the three northern regions have incurred the displeasure of Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee after misappropriating GH₵21 million from the District Assemblies Common Fund. Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee says MMDAs in the three northern regions mostly side-stepped laid down financial Management laws in their application of the Common fund.  The Public Accounts Committee has taken its hearing to the Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions as it looks into the books of MMDAs there. In all, 12 Municipal and District assemblies from the Upper West and East Regions appeared before the committee’s first sitting. They included Wa Municipal, Wa East and West , Sissala East and West, Lawra and Jirapa assemblies among others. It surfaced from the Auditor Generals Department query from 2010 to 2012, that the Wa Municipal Assembly spent over GH₵19, 000 on two retired staff without supporting documents or receipts to va

PAC continuous sitting in Tamale

Scrutiny of the expenditure of all district assemblies in the three regions of the north bythe Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is currently underway. Some district assemblies in the Upper East Region will take their turn on Thursday followed by those in the Northern Region scheduled for Friday October 10, 2014. Members of the committee on Wednesday October 08, 2014,began a three day meeting with some six district assembliesin the Upper West Region who were queried by the Auditor Generals Department on their expenditure from 2010 to 2012. At the beginning, the PAC members led by their Acting Chairman, Hon. Robert Sarfo Mensah were unimpressed with the responses given. Some of the District Finance Officers and their Coordinating Directors demonstrated their naivety on simple administrative procedures. They failed to explain why some monies from the District Assembly Common Fund and other statutory funds were spent with total disregard to laid down financial regulations.

250 Labone students sacked for non-performance

Two hundred and fifty students of the Labone Senior High School (SHS) have been sacked for their abysmal performance in the end-of-year examination in July, this year. The students, who had an average of four failures in eight subjects, were sent packing when the first term of the 2014/2015 academic year began. Out of the number sacked, 155 of them were second-year students who were supposed to go to Form Three, while 95 were first-year students entering their second year.Also, 171 students who had an average of three failures in the examination have been asked to repeat their forms. About 800 Form Two students of the school were supposed to enter Form Three, while the number of first years who were expected to enter second year was 1,000. The action, according to the Headmistress of the school, Mrs Mary Amankwah, was in line with the school’s policy agreed upon by both the students and their parents at the time oftheir admissions. Mary Amankwah told the Daily Graphic in an interv

OGA 90 congratulates Mahama Ayariga

The 1990 Year Group of the Old Ghanascans Association has congratulated Mahama Ayariga on his appointment as the Minister for Youth and Sports. The decision to formally congratulate Mr Ayariga, according to the group, was taken at a meeting held by members of the Association at the Holiday Inn Hotel at Airport City in Accra. "It was an interesting meeting that saw several Old Ghanascans who were meeting for the first time after leaving school in 1990", a release issued Monday said. The old students of Ghana Secondary School in Tamale have been in touch with each other via WhatsApp but decided to move their mode of interaction to another level hence the meetings in a bid to catch up with old times. While some of the members of OGA 90 are domiciled in the United States of America and the United Kingdom, a substantial number of the membership are in Ghana working in various sectors of the economy occupying very important positions. "The group is therefore happy and pro

Yendi Municipal Assembly to get three more SHSs

Yendi Municipality is to get three out of the 200 Senior High School projects government has promised to build across the country. Government in fulfilment of its 2012 campaign promise has started building 200 additional Senior High School projects. This is meant to increase enrolment at the senior high education level and to ease the tension which characterizes the computer placement system. As the only assembly with Municipal status in the Northern Region, the Yendi Municipality can only boast of two Senior High Schools. These are the Yendi Senior High and Dagbon State Senior High/Technical schools. Municipal Chief Executive for Yendi, Issah Zakariah told Citi News that plans are far advanced to build three additional Senior High Schools in the Yendi Municipality. He described the only two Senior High Schools in the whole Yendi Municipality as woefully inadequate. He said the new schools will be located at Nakpachei, Bunbong-Naayili and Gnani which are all farming settlements.

N/R records low maternal cases

There has been significant drop in maternal and neonatal cases in the Northern Region for the year 2014. According to the Deputy Director of Public Health of the Northern Regional Health Directorate, Dr. Jacob Mahama 36 maternal deaths were recorded from January to June, 2014, down from the 130 cases recorded within the same period in 2013. 29 neonatal cases were also recorded within the same period. He attributed these successes to the establishment of neonatal intensive care units in some major health facilities in the region. He said the Regional Health Directorate has for the past five years engaged the services of about 139 trained community volunteers to provide first aid services to rural folks. Dr. Jacob Mahama extolled the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) for its continual support to boost quality health care service delivery in the region. He admitted that UNICEF’s contribution to promoting child health care in the region could not be unde

Akon performs in giant bubble to avoid Ebola

In an effort to guard against contracting the Ebola Virus Disease, a United States-based R&B star, Akon, last Sunday climbed inside an airtight blow-up during a performance in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo. The singer rolled over the crowd, pushed along by the outstretched hands of 60,000 screaming concert-goers while performing at a concert. The performance was part of a larger free concert held by charity, ‘Peace One Day,’ to help promote and support the United Nations’ International Day Of Peace. Akon was, however, accused of going to extreme lengths to avoid catching Ebola during a concert in Africa by crowd-surfing inside a giant plastic bubble. His action was criticised by a section of the media outlets, describing it as a cynical attempt to shield himself from the deadly virus that is sweeping West Africa rather than just being a creative way of performing closer to his fans. The Source, on its website, however, said, “The Ebola virus is no joke. And to avoid contr

Day 28: Why Nyantakyi swore with the Qur’an, and did he lie?

“Fired up” and “ready to fight” best describe Kwesi Nyantakyi on Tuesday when he appeared at the Presidential Commission of Inquiry. Before 10am one would have thought the entire day was to be dedicated to him. The FA boss came with an entourage. Fans. Well wishers. Serial callers. And his fellow FA members. They sang. They danced. And they besieged the Media Center of the Accra Sports Stadium. He did not disappoint on day 28, although the weightier matters were shifted until the following day. Kwesi Nyantakyi the Muslim The GFA president’s appearance was always going to have subplots and it began right from the beginning. Justice Dzamefe: “What book would you want to swear by?” Nyantakyi: “The Qu’ran.” This completely took the gallery off guard, and it showed in the inflected tone of Moses Foh-Amoaning. “Are you a muslim?” Nyantakyi: “Yes.” With an absence of a muslim name and a religious life out of public view, Nyantakyi’s decision to swear by the Islamic holy book raised

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