Tamale to Host Ghana Teacher Prize - 2022

Ghana Teacher Prize, an award scheme instituted to honour outstanding teachers annually is to be held this year in Tamale. 

At a planning committee meeting held in the month of February, 2022, Tamale was proposed as the venue for this year’s Ghana Teacher Prize. This has subsequently been approved by the Honourable Minister of Education Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum.

On Friday, April 22, 2022, Dr. Christian Addai-Poku, the Registrar of NTC led a delegation made up of Miss Grace Agyeman Duah, the National Coordinator of GTP, Mr. Dennis Osei-Owusu, the Public Relations Officer of NTC, Miss Grace Adoma Ababio of Standards and Compliance Department of NTC and Mrs. Rhoda Ohene Tuffour, Budget Officer of NTC to meet with the Northern Regional Education Directorate and the Local Planning Committee (LOC). 

GTP is a three-day event which commences from 3rd to 5th of October annually. The first two days are used for symposium and exhibition, the last day, 5th October (World Teachers’ Day) is the climax. The President of the Republic of Ghana is always the Guest of Honour. 

Dr. Addai-Poku underscored the need for the nation to protect and motivate teachers as teachers are the number one determiner of quality and improved learning outcomes.

A 7 member Local Organizing Committee (LOC) was formed and chaired by the Regional Director of Education, Dr. Peter Attafuah, other members are Alhaji Amuda Kassa, Rev. K.A Odaatu, H.E. Forgor Elizabeth S. Mr. Frederick Owusu all of the Regional Directorate of Education, A representative from the Teacher Unions and a representative from the Regional Coordinating Council.

The Registrar walked the LOC through the Terms of Reference for the various sub-committees, which are Publicity, Event, Sponsorship, Transport and Accommodation. He charged them to give out their all in making this year’s GTP one of the best. The Chairperson, Dr. Peter Attafuah promised the NTC officials of nothing but the best.

The team went round the city of Tamale to inspect facilities for the event.

The event will officially be launched in the month of August, 2022 in Accra. The two-day symposium and exhibition will be held at Modern City Hotel and the grand durbar at the Multi-Purpose Auditorium of University for Development Studies (UDS), Tamale.


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