
Showing posts from March, 2022

President Akufo-Addo  Commissions Tamale Interchange 

The President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, on Tuesday, 29th March 2022, commissioned the Tamale Interchange, the fourth interchange commissioned by Government since 2017. It will be recalled that nearly three (3) years ago, on 10th April 2019, the President was in Tamale to launch the Government of Ghana – SinoHydro Master Project Support Agreement (MPSA), and cut the sod for the construction of the Tamale Interchange, the first interchange in the northern sector of the country. “I am delighted to be back again, this time, on my birthday, to commission the Tamale Interchange, which has been completed three (3) months ahead of schedule and on budget, in the midst of a global pandemic which has brought considerable disruption to every phase of national life,” President Akufo-Addo said He continued, “the Tamale Interchange is the fourth interchange constructed since I came into office, following the completion of the Tema Motorway Phase 1 Interchange, Obetsebi Lamptey Pha

Full judgement: No arm of government including Parliament is a law unto itself – Supreme Court

The Supreme Court says no arm of government is a law unto itself. This is one of many legal arguments the Apex Court marshalled in support of its decision that cleared a Deputy Speaker of Parliament to vote and be counted as part of a quorum for decision making. Read full judgement below:

Tamale Interchange project meets standards- Ministry

The Ministry of Roads and Highways has given an assurance that the Tamale Interchange project has been undertaken in accordance with the standards and specifications of the ministry. It explained that the bridge had been designed to a 100-year life, adding that, the design went through a rigorous process of approval before implementation. The ministry’s assurance was contained in a press release issued by its Public Affairs Unit in response to comments made by the Minority Leader and Member of Parliament (MP) for Tamale South, Mr Haruna Iddrisu, on the Tamale Interchange. What Mr Haruna Iddrisu said A few days ago, the Minority Leader called for a structural audit of the performance of the contractor constructing the Tamale Interchange to guarantee and ensure value for money. He also called on the Supervising Consultant, the Ministry of Roads and Highway, and the Department of Urban Roads to ensure that the audit was done. Mr Iddrisu, who was speaking on behalf of the four MPs from the

Google’s Archived APK format is a new way to free up storage on Android

Many desktop applications and games allow you to keep local data after an uninstall, but that option is less common on Android. That’s especially a problem with phones and tablets, where storage is often more limited. Google is now working on a new solution baked into its development tools: Archived APKs. Google wrote on the Android Developers Blog on Tuesday, “one of the main reasons users uninstall apps is to free up space. To prevent unnecessary uninstalls and help users get more out of their devices, we started working on a new feature that would enable app archiving. Archiving is a new functionality that will allow users to reclaim ~60% of app storage temporarily by removing parts of the app rather than uninstalling it completely.” "Archiving is a new functionality that will allow users to reclaim ~60% of app storage temporarily" Archived APKs aren’t a perfect solution to reclaiming data, but they might be a valuable alternative to the current all-or-nothing approach wit

 "Don't retaliate" Tamale Dakpema warns after escaping near assassination

Nyab Dakpema, Fuseini Bawa The Dakpema Palace has called for calm in the Tamale Metropolis following gun attack on Monday, 7th March, 2022 over suspected chieftaincy conflict. This comes after some youth and residents in the area vow to retaliate over the assassination attempt on Tamale Dakpema, Naa Fuseini Bawa by an unknown gunmen . The attack left some five persons including the Chief hospitalized at the Tamale Teaching Hospital after sustaining vying gun wounds. Addressing a press conference on Wednesday, spokesperson for the Dakpemli family, Mr. Basharu Dabale said Naa Bawa Fuseini does not subscribe to any form of retaliation or violence, hence the youth should not attack any body. "No member of the Dakpema family should attack anybody in retaliation, Naa Dakpema saysweshould leave the case to the police to investigate this criminal attack, the official position of the palace is that we are appealing to the police to look for the perpetrators of the heinous crime to ensure t

Dakpema, 4 others reportedly shot over chieftaincy dispute

Nyab Dakpema, Fuseini Bawa The Dakpema, Naa Fuseini Bawa, and four others have reportedly been shot on Monday morning. According to reports, this follows the Chief carrying himself as the regent of the area. It is said that the incident took place after the talking drum was beaten in the palace on Monday morning, an action that signifies that the Dakpema is the Chief of the area. The five who are on admission at the Tamale Teaching Hospital are said to be in a stable condition. Speaking to the media, the Northern Regional Crime Officer, Superintendent Bernard Baba Ananga, said the Police are treating the incident as a crime. “We have also made some deployment of Police men at the chief’s palace as well as some protection for those that are injured. This one is being investigated and we are pursuing this as a crime. We are not attributing it to anybody yet as investigations are still ongoing. These are the initial stages and we’d come out appropriately to give you the details,” he said.

Single Spine to be reviewed

Employment Minister Ignatius Baffour Awuah The Single Spine Pay Policy (SSPP) introduced in 2010 is set to undergo review. As a result, a Technical Committee is expected to be set up by the end of March to undertake a preliminary review of the Policy including cost implications. This was part of the resolution of the Kwahu Declaration. The Declaration was reached at the end of a two-day labour conference held at the Rock City Hotel at Kwahu in the Eastern Region. It brought together representatives of government, labour groups and employers to jawjaw on building a cordial relationship among the various stakeholders. Guest Speaker was President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. At the end of the National Labour Conference, participants agreed that the SSPP should be reviewed. “Government should review the Single Spine Pay Policy to address the current issues of salary inequities/inequalities, weak salary administration, and weak management of conditions of service,” the communique issued aft

President Akufo-Addo approves charter for three universities

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has given approval for the grant of Presidential Charter to three university colleges to award their own degrees. The institutions are the Methodist University College, Ghana, the Presbyterian University College, Ghana and the Catholic University College, Ghana. A statement issued by the Office of the President and signed by the Secretary to the President, Nana Bediatuo Asante, urged the Colleges to take the necessary steps to prepare their respective Presidential Charters for the signature of the President. The three universities were previously affiliated with other institutions of higher learning. The charter would make them independent degree-granting institutions.

President honoured 36 Students with Independence Awards

Thirty-six students were honoured at this year’s President’s Independence Day Awards ceremony in Accra on March 2, 2022. They were made up of two students - a male and a female - from each of the 16 regions who were the best in last year’s BECE, as well as four best male and female students with visual and hearing challenges selected based on their BECE raw scores. Each award winner was presented with a citation and a medal. Later, each will receive an electronic tablet and Nestle products. Nestle Ghana Limited sponsored the awards. Eschew divisiveness In an address, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo asked Ghanaians to eschew all acts of divisiveness and self-centredness, which had the tendency to take the country backward. "We must have the pride to acknowledge that we have made positive strides and we must also have the humility to appreciate that we still have some way to go," he said. President Akufo-Addo noted that as the country celebrated its 65th Independence anni

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