
Showing posts from April, 2013

A dubious awards ceremony!

The arena is set in my fatherland. The period is fixed in the nineties. The presenters of the award are poets. To our head of state we present........ A human head; congrats! Your excellencies, You have done noble. To the entire Parliamentarians, we present........ A well-written manifesto You may present this to your electorate, sirs! To the Dons we present...... An oath to recycle Old creed in the mill of poverty. To the civil servants we present....... A plague "Files on traffic jam."


The way money flies! The way it proudly plies! Now you see it, then you don't. Try to tame it and it won't. Economists call this inflation. I don't care. It's a financial deflation that people fear. It's like a ghostly curse On everyone's purse. Money has grown wings, Becoming haughty things Like stars out of reach. You must strain to be rich. As for me, I laugh at them. Like insects at my garment's hem They are still within my sphere. Wherever they flee, I'm there. When they get tired of flight I'll pull them like a kite Because economics is not absolute To a mind that is resolute.

World on the edge!

The Earth is dying, and so are we. And yet little we seem to see How we are digging our own graves For simple things like money and profit power, control and gold in caves. Our world is falling, and little we care. The species is dying, and it seems unfair. The world of men is now on the edge, And as i write this, here on the ledge, I look down, to stare death in the face. And then look up, to say my final grace. I tried to change the world for the better, I tried but in the end i failed. For in this world, only the rich are hailed, As for the rest, the road is hard Because day by day, the species is growing apart. It is, but just a matter of time Before our world crumbles into darkness And then we will realize how we can save ourselves Through love, togetherness and kindness But by then, it will all be too little too late ...

Draw a goat eating a grass!

Akpos was in the classroom when his teacher gave a class work that everybody in class should draw a goat eating grass. When they all finish drawing they submitted their work for the teacher to grade, when the teacher wanted to grade Akpos' work, he noticed that there was nothing on the drawing book. So he called Akpos to ask why he left the drawing book blank. Akpos replied and said "Maybe the goat has finish eating the grass and went away"

The stolen kiss!

A man had been drinking at the bar for hours when he mentioned something about his girlfriend being out in the car. The bartender, concerned because it was so cold, went to check on her. When he looked inside the car, he saw the man's friend, Dave, and his girlfriend kissing one another. The bartender shook his head and walked back inside. He told the man that he thought it might be a good idea to check on his girlfriend. The fellow staggered outside to the car, saw his friend and his girlfriend kissing, then walked back into the bar laughing. "What's so funny?" the bartender asked. "That stupid Dave!" he said, "He's so drunk, he thinks he's me!"

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