Tamale DVLA extorting money from motorbike owners

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The Northern Regional Office of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) has been allegedly being extorting GH¢ 71.36 from motorbike owners who willingly go to their office to register their motorbikes in the Tamale Metropolis.

Motorbikes, impounded by the DVLA, in collaboration with the Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service and the National Road Safety Authority (NRSA), their owners are also allegedly being extorted GH¢ 101.36.

This extortion, if really true, is a mockery of the exposé done by Tiger Eye on the corruption at the DVLA. This blog know, the exposé hasn’t been a deterrent, because most of the officers caught in the exposé, were only transferred and that may have embolden them to perpetuate more corruption.

The Northern Regional Manager of the DVLA, Mr. Mutawakilu Abdulai, has been holding interviews with media in Tamale metropolis and beyond on his efforts to enforce motorcycles registration in northern region

In one of the interviews, he said, “What we require from the public is their maximum support and cooperation but not those hiding under the cover of darkness to be giving threats. The chiefs and many other opinion leaders and institutions have all given their concern to this exercise and we’re determined to ensure things are done right in the country”.

How can DVLA allegedly extort money from the public and expect “maximum support and cooperation” from them? Yes, “the chiefs and many other opinion leaders” have given their support. But the support doesn’t include extorting money from the public.

In all the interviews to the media, Abdulai has been avoiding telling the public the cost of registering a motorbike. Which this blog finds problematic.

According to one motorbike owner, She paid GHC 250 at the DVLA office but to her surprised, a DVLA receipt of GHC 178.64 was issued to her.

Another motorbike owner, whose motorbike was impounded by the MTTD. Claimed he paid GH¢ 280 but a DVLA receipt of GHC 178.64 was issued to him later, when he went for the documentation.

This blog can confirm, the Association of Motorbike Sellers, who have been tasked by Mr. Abdulai to register newly bought motorbikes, are collecting GH¢ 250 from buyers to process the registration of the motorbikes. And this Association also issue DVLA receipts bearing GH¢ 178.64.

Alleged DVLA Receipt

In an interview with this blog in anonymity, one motorbike owner said, “I am not going to register my motorbike because I won’t pay a dime more than what should be on the receipt, and DVLA, I heard won’t take anything less than GH¢ 250. So, I won’t even go to their office“.

“I am not going to register my motorbike because I won’t pay a dime more than what should be on the receipt, and DVLA, I heard won’t take anything less than GH¢ 250. So, I won’t even go to their office“.

He alleged, “the DVLA collects GH¢ 100 from motorbike owners and issue registered number on DVLA approved plates through it’s goro boys without receipts and documentations. I can easily get that registered number on the approved DVLA plate. But I won’t.“

“the DVLA collects GH¢ 100 from motorbike owners and issue registered number on DVLA approved plates through it’s goro boys without receipts and documentations. I can easily get that registered number on the approved DVLA plate. But I won’t.“

This blog can’t understand why, in trying to make the public do the right thing, DVLA is allegedly rather doing the wrong thing.

This blog, calls on the national DVLA office to investigate this allegation and put a stop to the alleged day light robbery been perpetrated by the Northern Regional DVLA boss and their office in general.


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