Aptitude Test Q&A for GES Promotion - Practice 3

Multiple Choice Questions

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1. What law(s) established the Ministry of Education?
A. PNDC Law 1995.
B. PNDC Law 1993.
C. Public Service law 372 under the PNDC law 1993.
D. Public Service law 327 under the PNDC law 1993.

2. When was Ministry of Education formed?
A. 1993.
B. 1995.
C. 1957.
D. 1975.

3. All the following are agencies under the Ministry of Education except?
A. Ghana National Commission for UNESCO .
B. Funds and Procurement Management Unit .
C. Educational International.
D. Ghana Academy of Art and Science.

4. Who was the first Minister of Ministry of Education in Ghana?
A. J. B. Erzuah.
B. Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh .
C. K.B. Asante.
D. Dr. Busia.

5. Which of the following is not a core function of the Ministry of Education?
A. Manage the provision of library services to the citizenry.
B. Develops curriculum and assessment.
C. Provides education on national issues.
D. Maintain an efficient education management information system and programmes and donor funded projects and programme in education.

6. Which of the agencies of the MOE is considered as the parent Agency?
A. National Accreditation Board.
B. National Council for Tertiary Education .
C. Council for Technical and Vocational Training .
D. Ghana Education Service .

7. The mission of the MOE is to provide Education with emphasis on the following except?
A. History.
B. Information.
C. Science.
D. Technology.

8. When was the GES established?
A. 1974.
B. 1957.
C. 1979.
D. 1992.

9. All the following Decrees, Act or Laws established the GES except?
A. GES Act 92 B.
B. National Redemption Council Decree (NRCD 247).
C. National Redemption Council Decree 252.
D. ACT 778 .

10. Which of the following is not part of the 3 Autonomous body at the pretertiary level in GES?
A. National Inspectorate Board.
B. National Accreditation Board.
C. National teaching Council.
D. National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.

11. Which of the following is responsible for issuing license to teachers?
A. National Inspectorate Board.
B. National Accreditation Board.
C. National teaching Council.
D. National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.

12. The following are functions of the National Inspectorate Board except?
A. Evaluate the quality and standard in education institutions.
B. Undertake the inspection of schools.
C. Issues license to teachers.
D. Evaluate on a periodic basis, the first and 2nd cycle institutions.

13. Which of the following constituent is not part of the inspectorate board?
A. Trade Union Congress general Secretary.
B. Representative of the WAEC.
C. One representative of the National Teaching Council.
D. One representative of the Association of Private Schools.

14. Who is the Secretary to the National Inspectorate Board?
A. Chief Inspector of Schools.
B. The Presidents Nominee.
C. The minister of Education.
D. GES Director General.

15. Which of the following is the governing body of GES?
A. National Accreditation Board.
B. National Teaching council.
C. National Inspectorate Board
D. National Council Curriculum and Assessment .

16. Which of the following is not a constituent of the National Teaching Council?
A. One representative of catholic bishops.
B. One representative of the conference of managers of education units.
C. One representative of conference of District Directors of Education.
D. One representative of National Inspectorate Board.

17. The process of integrating and educating the physically challenged in the general school system is called?
A. Special School Education.
B. Education Decentralization.
C. Devolution of Education.
D. Inclusive Education.

18. All the following are basic principles of inclusive education except?
A. Public schools system is the foundation for inclusive education.
B. All student have the right to receive a public Education in the regular classroom.
C. Each student is unique and needs an individualized approach to Education to meet his or her intellectual goals.
D. Parents cannot be valuable contributing partners in the educational system and their involvement does not enhance the effectiveness and accountability of the schools.

19. Which of the following is not a component of the Educational system?
A. Physical Infrastructure.
B. Content of Education and curriculum .
C. Stakeholders or the people.
D. None of the above.

20. Which of the following is not a determinant of Educational outcomes?
A. Discipline.
B. Adequate infrastructure.
C. Sanitary conditions.
D. Farming and fishing.

21. The following are characteristics of a good tone of a school except?
A. Open administration.
B. Tidy School environmen.
C. Laisser-faire administration.
D. Students are studious.

22. Which of the following is not a type of curriculum Design defined by Longstreet and Shane?
A. Knowledge-Centred Design.
B. Learner-Centered Design.
C. Society-Centered Design.
D. Secondary-Centered Design.

23. Which of the following pairs is wrong?
A. Subject-centered/knowledge centered design.
B. Content-centered/ Secondary –Centered Design.
C. Learner-Centered/child-centered design.
D. Society-Centered / Problem-centered Design .

24. Which of the following levels does not fall under cognitive domain of learning?
A. Receiving.
B. Synthesis.
C. knowledge.
D. analysis.

25. Which of the following levels does not fall under affective domain of learning?
A. Receiving.
B. Comprehension.
C. Valuing.
D. Organization

26. According to William and Flora Hewlett a set of competencies students must master in order to develop a keen understanding of academic content and apply their knowledge to solve problems in the classroom and on the job is referred to as
A. Affective domain learning.
B. Cognitive domain learning .
C. Psychomotor domain learning.
D. Deeper learning.

27. All the following are core skills for deeper learning except?
A. Integration and interpretation.
B. Leadership and personality development.
C. Citizenship.
D. Critical thinking and problem solving .

28. Which of the following assumptions is part of Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory?
A. An individual does not ranks his/her needs.
B. Human beings have wants and desires which influence behavior.
C. The needs of an individual are arranged in the order of importance, from the most basic to the very complete ones.
D. An individual advances to the next level only after the lower level of need is at least minimally satisfied.

29. Which of the following best describes the arrangement of Maslow’s levels of needs?
A. Physiological needs, safety needs, esteem needs, social needs and selfactualization.
B. Physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization.
C. Physiological needs, safety needs, self-actualization, social needs and esteem needs.
D. Self-actualization, Physiological needs, esteem needs, social needs and safety needs.

30. Which of the following is not a component of motivation according Arnold et al (1991)?
A. Effort.
B. Desire.
C. Persistence.
D. Direction.

31. Which of the following is not a principle for teaching?
A. Teaching from abstract to concrete.
B. Teaching from easy topics to difficult topics.
C. Teaching from known to unknown.
D. Teaching from concrete to abstract.

32. The two main methods of teaching are?
A. Dictatorial and Deductive.
B. Demonstrative and Deductive.
C. Inductive and Deductive.
D. Creative and interactive.

33. The process of quantifying an individual’s achievement, personality, attitudes, habits and skills is?
A. Evaluation.
B. Measurement.
C. Testing.
D. Validity.

34. All the following are characteristics of measurement instrument except?
A. Speed.
B. Standardization.
C. Reliability.
D. Validity.

35. The process of setting strategic goals for management to achieve in an organization is termed?
A. Management.
B. Planning.
C. Administration.
D. Governance.

36. The process of using allocated resources to achieve strategic goals in an organization is termed as? 
A. obedience.
B. virtue.
C. Management.
D. Governance.

37. All the following are referred to as management levels in education except?
A. National level.
B. Secondary level.
C. Regional level.
D. School level.

38. Range of activities connected with organizing and supervising the way an organization functions is termed?
A. Management.
B. Governance.
C. Administration.
D. Planning.

39. Administration in GES is more concerned with the following except?
A. Punishment.
B. Coordination.
C. Supervision.
D. Systems.

40. The art of motivating a person or a group of people to act towards achieving a common vision is?
A. Management.
B. Governance.
C. Leadership.
D. Administration.

41. Where the leader sets the target or goal and uses rewards and punishment to make people achieve it is?
A. Transactional leadership style.
B. Transformation leadership style.
C. Laissez-faire leadership style.
D. Autocratic leadership style.

42. Where the leader creates inspirational vision and motivates people to meet those goals through effective communication is?
A. Transactional leadership style.
B. Transformation leadership style.
C. Democratic leadership styles.
D. Autocratic leadership style.

43. The process of absolutely transferring decision making power and responsibility from the central authority to the smaller units of an organization is a form of decentralization called?
A. Delegation.
B. De-concentration.
C. Devolution.
D. De-congestion .

44. The process of reducing of the power of a central authority and redistributing it across the different levels of an organization is a form of decentralization called?
A. Delegation.
B. De-concentration.
C. Devolution.
D. De-congestion .

45. The guiding principle of how an organization or government intend to conduct its services to achieve a rational outcome is?
A. Budget.
B. Organizing.
C. Administration.
D. Policy.

46. Which of the following is not an Educational Policy in Ghana?
A. Help the nation to achieve SDG.
B. Free school feeding.
C. Girl-child education.
D. Free SHS policy.

47. Which of the following is not an advantage of the free school feeding?
A. Helps achieve SDG4 for the nation.
B. Reduction in indiscipline.
C. Complements the effort of parents.
D. Increase in enrolment.

48. All the following are characteristic of a good policy except?
A. Rigid and does not allow for a change.
B. A practical written document.
C. Formulated by stakeholders.
D. Reflects the object of the organization or society.

49. Which of the following is not a policy or programme under the Akuffo Addo Administration from 2016-2020?
A. Free school feeding
B. Paperless port system.
C. Operation cow leg.
D. Operation vanguard .

50. The following are some of the conditions to be satisfied before a school can access the capitation grant except?
A. The head teacher opens a personal account.
B. The school must open capitation grant account.
C. The head teacher must organize SPAM to draw the SPIP.
D. Approval of the SPIP by the District Director of Education.


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51. John Locke postulated that the mind of a new-born baby was blank (tabula rasa) was later discounted.
A. True
B. False

52. Language development starts from the womb.
A. True
B. False

53. Behaviors of less complexity are always easier to teach than those at higher levels.
A. True
B. False

54. The purpose of the content-by-behavior blueprint is to help teachers discover behaviors they may have failed to include in their lesson plans.
A. True
B. False

55. A good reason for stating the level of performance in a behavioral objective is to provide some way to determine whether the behavior has been obtained.
A. True
B. False

56. An authentic objective is one which reflects behaviors most like those needed for living in the “real” world.
A. True
B. False

57. Tacit knowledge represents what works and is discovered through everyday experiences over a long period of time.
A. True
B. False

58. Reports from educational groups have called for an increase in the number of school hours as well as a higher standard in grading.
A. True
B. False

59. Unobserved activities, such as mental creations or activities occurring only in the learner's mind, constitutes evidence that learning has occurred.
A. True
B. False

60. "Given five quadratic equations, the students will be able to solve the equations correctly in 80% of the cases." This statement is an example of a behavioral objective.
A. True
B. False

61. Criterion level is used interchangeably with level of proficiency.
A. True
B. False

62. Audience, conditions, and criterion level are the three essential components of a behavioral objective.
A. True
B. False

63. Authentic tests ask learners to display their skills in a situation similar to a real-world setting.
A. True
B. False

64. Many lower-order behaviors must be learned before higher-order behaviors can be attempted.
A. True
B. False

65. The cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains are mutually exclusive, that is behaviors listed in one domain are not needed to attain those listed in other domains.
A. True
B. False

66. Some researchers and educators believe that intelligence can be influenced through instruction in specific areas.
A. True
B. False

67. Compensatory instruction is designed to help a student gain needed information or skills in order to benefit from planned instruction.
A. True
B. False

68. Students from low SES (socioeconomic status) homes have generally had a good deal of experience with the same kinds of activities that go on at school.
A. True
B. False

69. Students need successful horizontal relationships so they can compare themselves with others.
A. True
B. False

70. It is more important to know a student's general ability and intelligence rather than his or her specific aptitudes.
A. True
B. False

71. All anxiety interferes with learning.
A. True
B. False

72. Some researchers claim that humans have specialized abilities which influence general performance.
A. True
B. False

73. Goals are usually derived from objectives and provide direction as to what strategies should be used.
A. True
B. False

74. Social class is a less important factor in educational achievement than is race/ethnicity.
A. True
B. False

75. Learning styles are stable across children and rarely vary according to race or culture.
A. True
B. False

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