The Offer and the Acceptance?

A woman according to Sheikh was in a trotro travelling with her baby. Sitting beside her was a well-dressed Kumbungu man, laboring under the sweaty weight of his suit and tie, on a very humid afternoon, in a Tamale trotro packed to the brim; with the itinerant herbalists peddling their spiritual wares.

The hapless woman could not get her baby to feed on anything she had to offer. Instead of the woman, minding her child, she would tease the kid, “you better eat this WASAWASA (black jalof) or I will give to broda, ooo!, referring to the unbeknownst to her, hunger-terrorized neighbor laboring under a sweaty suit.

All entreaties to the kid fell on deaf ears, no matter the tasty temptation thrown at him.”Wagashi” came and went the same way. Even 'bofuroti' made an appearance. But the kid resisted every temptation thrown at him. It may have been that someone was binding and casting the devil of temptation from the kid.

Broda sat quietly nearby and did not interfere in the proceedings. And in frustration, the woman unpacked her two ‘Mount of Olives’, and bellowed at the kid, “you better suck now, or I will give it to broda ooo, in a last minute effort to get the kid to breastfeed. The kid as usual paid no heed. That was when the woman committed, according to the Broda, “the unforgivable crime” of packing her wares back into holding position.

Broda exploded! “I never interfered on all other occasions you teased me with food, in spite of my hunger. I never complained. But now, you said you will give me the breasts to suck, if the kid refused, and the kid refused. It would naturally have been my turn to ensconce on those twin towers, but you packed them speedily before I could bat my eyelids. I am not taking that anymore!

*Lawyers would argue whether there was a valid offer here. Or whether the right to the dignity of the broda was injured in any way as to need redress.


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