Break the Oppressor’s designs and give us peace!

For God is not mocked. What nations and people sow, they shall reap here and in the hereafter. So, what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and suffers the loss of his own soul?

The floods will continue to overflow the citadels of evil, where God is not glorified. The winds will continue to sweep the covens of the wicked. The kingdoms of darkness will continue to collapse. The reign of terror will cease. The deep will swallow up the workers of iniquity.

LET THEIR EYES BE DARKENED that they see not; and make their loins shake continually. Let the song of the drunkard by silenced. Let their habitation be desolate.

Oh Lord of all creation do not allow your enemies to destroy the human race with nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that are in the arsenals of states and with greed.

Lord frustrate their knavery and establish the universality of your reign on Earth.

All those, who create troubles for social humans on Earth, add iniquity to their iniquity and let them not come into your righteousness. Pour out your indignation upon them and let your wrathful anger take hold upon them.

The Ghanaian people are docile, watching helplessly as their lives ebb away. As a result, a feral under-class has taken the laws into their hands, unleashing mayhem on fellow citizens.

Enlightenment, social engineering, good governance will turn the nation around. The dark forces that hold Ghana under oppressive sway will be dislodged in the no distant future. God is not mocked what nations and wicked people sow, they shall reap.

The wicked will never go unpunished and here on earth, they have no rest as their dark deeds are exposed. We must evaluate the good deeds of our leaders and condemned their wicked acts.

As Ghanaians become more educated and are positively radicalized, they will free themselves from the odious influence of these forces of darkness.

Break the oppressor’s designs and give us peace.


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