A letter to a politician- Part I!
It's time for another word. You have made politics a dirty word, it's like when we were kids and saying "sex" was a dirty word. May be that's why individuals with a reputation to protect are scared to be sullied with that title that's why they dont run for politician posts.
All the thieves, crooks, lazy people and dishonest people all want in, it's an easy way to make money and you don't even have to work. You can even go to sleep on the job, the seats are so comfortable and expensive. Don't worry the seats are paid for by the poor tax payers.
Lets be honest, you are not in it for the service to the poor tax payers, you are in it for yourself. So when you start advocating for the elections to be held at a certain time and say that it's on behalf of Ghanaians, who are you fooling? Why do you behave like elections are only about the presidental race? Like it's all about you and your ego.
You want to be president or parliamentarian. I don't think you have the moral, intellectual, economical capacities and etc to be president or parliamentarian. Seriously it's time to consider a career change. You manipulate people for your own ends, you even have people killed or jailed for disagreeing with you. You use power as a weapon to oppress others, instead of using power as an instrument of development and peace.
We want people who care about our country to be politicians and honesty you don't meet the criteria actually you don't meet the minimum threashold for a leader. It's time to redefine the word politician so could you start looking for another job early.
The Citizen.
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