So scary yet so poetic!
And believe in what I have sent
down confirming that which is
[already] with you, and be not
the first to disbelieve in it. And
do not exchange My signs for a
small price, and fear [only] Me.
I bear witness that there is none
worthy of worship except Allah,
the One, without any partner.
And I bear witness that
Muhammad is His servant and
His Messenger.
These are the days that the
Prophets foretold: wars and
rumors of wars, principalities in
high places, disease, plagues, the
dragon and the beast. But who
is there to stand up against
Shaytan? Where are the
witnesses willing and able to be
a true Martyr? No not a terrorist
a Martyr (putting yourself in the
position to die for the sake of
Allah). This beast was designed
to be taken down not by the
sword but by the Truth. I'm a
witness to all she has done and
by the lyrics that I write
whether you love them or hate
them I will do my part. Jihad is
the struggle that I fight within
myself and as long as I live the
life that is written for me as a
Muslim, who should I fear?
Holy Qu'ran 2:62
Indeed, those who believed and
those who were Jews or
Christians or Sabeans [before
Prophet Muhammad] – those
[among them] who believed in
Allah and the Last Day and did
righteousness – will have their
reward with their Lord, and no
fear will there be concerning
them, nor will they grieve.
Who of the Jews or the
Christians or Sabeans [before
Prophet Muhammad] are left to
stand up for Justice?
If there are none left then who
else but the Muslims will see this
through to the end. Or do you
expect Jennah (Paradise) by
simply standing and doing
nothing to show who you
believe in.
1.) Who do you worship?
2.) What is your religion?
3.) Who is your Prophet?
Holy Qu'ran 2:150
And from wherever you go out
[for prayer], turn your face
toward al-Masjid al-Haram. And
wherever you [believers] may
be, turn your faces toward it in
order that the people will not
have any argument against you,
except for those of them who
commit wrong; so fear them
not but fear Me. And [it is] so I
may complete My favor upon
you and that you may be
They are all in the Holy Land
killing it's pride and the refuse
to leave. Palestine, Iraq,
Afghanistan, Egypt, etc... Yet we
are Muslims divided. The
scripture is already written:
what was is and what is shall be
the divine decree or do you fear
what Allah has ordained? Are
you really Muslims? The answers
to it all is in the Qu'ran and
Sunnah if you truly believe.
Holy Qu'ran 31:20
Do you not see that Allah has
made subject to you whatever
is in the heavens and whatever
is in the earth and amply
bestowed upon you His favors,
[both] apparent and
unapparent? But of the people is
he who disputes about Allah
without knowledge or guidance
or an enlightening Book [from
I fear none but Allah nor does
"my" true Muslim brothers and
sisters. Though we are still
human and have faults, we
strive for the cause of Allah and
if I die in this cause may Allah
have mercy on me and allow for
me to be with who I love the
most i.e. Prophet Muhammad
(SAW) and all of the righteous
and striving Muslims.
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