Respect is earned!
The word “Respect” is defined as a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. It is also known as regard, esteem, reverence, deference and honor.
Respect is not shoveled out the way oil-blocks and contracts are rolled out to cronies in Ghana. Respect is not free food in a paper plate or a hand-out received on demand. Respect is not a freebie tossed on your lap because you THINK you deserve it, and not made available because you demand it. Respect is a jewel and a precious stone, it is more precious than silver and costlier than gold. The values of Pearls and diamonds are not comparable to the value of respect. Big FUUGU and flowing KENTE don’t provoke respect. Big talk, haughty swagger, big jeep, big castles, and big oil don’t provoke respect.
Persons in authority who think they are having a field’s day robbing and clubbing their followers into submission may be feared, but not respected. At one time in Ghana’s history, we earned respect and many nations accorded us our due respect. But at another time, we auctioned it so cheap on the back of greed, graft, and gluttony. That is where we are now. Respect is earned, and politicians know it.
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