Tightening one anothers belts!

Every year many leaders come to us with the same advice to tighten our belts because there are tough times ahead. It sickens and insults most Ghanaians because we have memories of nothing but hard times during the reigns of these vultures.

They are getting richer, accumulating more and burgeoning out of their belly with unnecessary fat while they tell us our reward is in heaven.

Sometimes they think they are talking to their children about dry spell ahead after filling their bags with money the past year.

Here we are, wishing that this year will be better than the past one and then come these politicians interrupting our prayers, warning us of more of the year before.

It is a case of a full belly telling the hungry man to take heed. Hmmm, ibe so my Dagomba man say, na poor I poor no be craze I craze o.

You know, many Ghanaians have resigned their faith into the hands of the lords and that is why religion is a good business to get into these days. The religious leaders seeking attention and members also have their own yearly predictions on the events of the Country.

Ghanaians have been tightening their belts for so long, they have reached the last notch around their waist. We do not have to repeat the ugly situations poor people find themselves looking for anything salvageable from trash.

Party throwers have become strict serving those who wear the same type of cloths like them. If you think you may get one of those freebees at parties, they know who to give it to.

We cannot wait for these fat politicians to tell us to tighten our belt. Like Prof. PAV Ansah said , "Everybody wanted to squeeze from the empire what he could get, without offering anything in return. It is true that the leaders in the land had not themselves given any examples of self- denial for the greater good and glory of the empire. For, when they asked the subjects to tighten their belts, they made certain that they themselves wore elastic belts which always left room for manoeuvre in the case of any tightening…".

Therefore, should we let the politicians tighten their own belts? No, let's tighten one anothers belts! Infact, we may need their belts to tighten their bellies and put them on display to show how we can do ours.


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