
Showing posts from August, 2021

Victims of Techiman South election violence sue govt for GH¢25m

Six injured victims, and the father of an 18-year-old boy killed as a result of the violence that rocked Techiman South during the 2020 general elections have sued the government, seeking a total of GH¢25 million in compensation. Edmond Ayarek is seeking GH¢10 million in compensation for the death of his son, Abdallah Ayarek, while Sulemana Elliasu is seeking GH¢5 million for the severe injury he suffered from a gunshot, with the five other victims seeking GH¢2 million each for various degrees of injuries suffered from the gunshots. The five other victims who have joined Elliasu for the class action are Abubakari Iddrisu, Alhassan Nasiru, Aremeaw Alhassan, Alhassan Abdul-Rahman and Paul Asue. Ayarek filed a separate action at the Wenchi High Court in the Bono Region, while the six injured victims filed a separate class action at the same court. The legal actions invoking the jurisdiction of the High Court to enforce the plaintiffs fundamental human rights are against the Attorney –Gene

Torrential rains submerge houses, cars in Tamale metropolis

Residents of Tamale, the Northern Regional capital have been hit by a catastrophe after torrential rains submerged a number of houses displacing dozens.  According to residents of the regional capital who have been affected by the disaster, the rain started about 4 am Monday dawn and has since not stopped as of the time this report was being filed. They indicate that places like Sawaaba Fong, Lamakara, Vittin, Fuo, Gumani, Kakpagyili, Jongshegu and Waterworks have been flooded with several properties lost to the water.  Some residents have been displaced as a result of the worrying floods which has become a yearly ritual in the Northern Regional capital. Apart from houses that have been submerged, fuel stations, cars and domestic animals have also been submerged by the torrential rains.  The Regional Security Committee is touring the affected areas to ascertain the extent of damage caused by the flood. Watch amateur video below:

You can swallow all the water in the sea, we’ll still build the Cathedral – Mustapha Hameed

Activist of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mustapha Hameed has slammed critics of the National Cathedral Project, especially Muslims who have taken offense to the National Chief Imam’s cash donation of GHC 50,000 towards its construction. In a write-up, sighted here , he argues that the gesture by the Eminent Sheikh Dr. Osman Nuhu Shaributu affirms the Quranic principle of Islamic hospitality. He cited several instances  the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) welcomed Christians and even offered them the Madina Mosque, which is deemed as one of the holiest Islamic monuments to offer their worship, citing also several instances where Christians have opened their doors to Muslims in trouble times. He called the bluff of the opponents who are not angry because of Islam but because the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) is vehemently opposed to the construction of the National Cathedral, for their own political ends. He wrote, "Cathedral no de3, mo mini 3po mu nsuo nyinaa koraa

Director of Prisons pulled out

The Ghana Prisons Service (GPS) has organised a farewell ceremony for the immediate past Director of Prisons (DOP) in-charge of Finance and Administration, Mr. Nelson B. Duut, to officially mark his retirement from the service. He was honoured with a parade which he inspected and presented with a citation, a plaque and an undisclosed amount of cash from the service for his 26 years of service, dedication and commitment as a prison officer. As part of the pull out ceremony which took place last Friday, at the GPS Headquarters in Accra, ropes were tied to the front part of a vehicle in which he stood with his head and shoulders out through the open top, waving cheerfully at the crowd comprising service men in uniform, family, friends, among other people. He was pulled out of the premises of the GPS Headquarters to symbolically depict his exit from the service. Citation The citation read in his honour stated that DOP Duut displayed a high level of professionalism, meticulousness and unble

Mahama condemns Tamale-Buipe highway robberies, calls for improved security

Former President John Mahama has condemned the spate of robberies on the Tamale-Buipe highway. According to him, the canker which has left many including a UK journalist gruesomely killed leaves much to be desired. “It is truly ironic that a journalist working on a documentary on peace and security should die from an incident of highway robbery, which has become symptomatic of the violent crime currently consuming our country.” He made these comments in a statement signed by his Special Aide, Joyce Bawa on August 29, Read full statement below:

Savannah Region House of Chiefs holds Consultative Forum with Youth of Gonjaland

The Savannah Region House of Chiefs in partnership with the Savannah Regional Coordinating Council held a consultative forum with various youth groups of Savannah Region to brainstorm on how to prevent the depletion of the forest cover and to place a final ban on commercial charcoal burning and logging in the Region.  Leaders of various youth groups including ethnic youth group leaders and other stakeholders within the region were invited to the forum. Chairman for the forum Buipewura Abdulai Jinapor II who is also the vice president of the Savannah Region House of Chiefs in his opening remarks on behalf of the president of Savannah Region House of Chiefs and King and overlord of Gonja kingdom yagbonwura Tuntumba Boresa "I" said it was a great day in the history of the Gonja kingdom because fathers and grandfathers of the land are making it possible to host the youth in a regional dialogue to discuss matters of sustainable development in the region.  Buipewura Jinapor II said

Teachers Will Soon Teach From Home — GNAT

The General Secretary of the Ghana National Association of Teachers(GNAT), Thomas Musah dropped the hint at the end of a 3day ICT capacity building workshop for 51 teachers in first and second cycle schools from various Districts in the Western Region has revealed that: Teachers will in the near future, will be in the house and teach learners as manual teaching gradually, thereby enhancing the use effective use of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) education in the next decade. In view of this, online teaching and learning will soon be launched in Ghana to safeguard the human interface in teaching and learning. Phase one of the project which ran from 2016 to 2019, focused on Mozambique, Rwanda and Zimbabwe with La Cote D’Ivoire, Ghana and Senegal being selected for phase two. The project seeks to improve learning outcomes and acquisition of 21st century skills such as digital literacy, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity and innovation through the a

Gabby's take on Agenda 111 Architecture Contract awarded to Adjaye Associates

So why this big negative focus on one of the world’s most celebrated starchitects, David Adjaye? He is Ghanaian and his firm, Adjaye Associates, is Ghanaian, with offices also in London and New York. He has not been engaged to design 101 or 111 hospitals. No! He designed just one and did a damn good job of it; which should give us a bargain of “buy 1 get 1 free!” He was legally contracted as lead architect to design one standard district hospital and his task was to do so at a record low price with a significant use of local materials, to be environmentally friendly and to do all this at a high quality standard. This is what we are paying for.  Government first procured the services of Hospital Infrastructure Group Ltd, owned by the highly respected Kwabena Nyarko, former Vice President of GREDA, to coordinate the single largest health infrastructure project ever commissioned in Ghana, the Agenda 111 project, working closely with the Ministry of Health.  HIG engaged the services of som
New update: The Ghana Education Service (GES) has postponed the implementation of the Common Core Programme (CCP), the new curriculum developed for the junior high school. Giving updates on pre-tertiary education in the country at a press briefing, Prof Opoku-Amankwa said, the new curriculum would rather be implemented next academic year, after enough sensitisation, the GES stated, and therefore requested teachers to continue to use the old curriculum to teach. Training The Director-General of the service, Prof Kwasi Opoku-Amankwa, who announced this, said the junior high schools would therefore continue to use the old curriculum and the textbooks since that was still available in the schools. He attributed the decision to continue with the old curriculum to the outbreak of the COVID-19 at the time the teachers were to have gone through training on the new curriculum. “Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the necessary preparations for the introduction of the programme have stalled and tra

Gushegu MP offers free University Education to 15 students

The Member of Parliament for Gushegu Constituency, lawyer Hassan Tampuli, through Tullow Oil Ghana Ltd, has offered opportunities to about 15 students in the constituency to be trained at the Regional Maritime University. He said his outfit through the support from Tullow Ghana is spending about $1,200 on the school fees of about 15 students from his constituency. The Deputy Minister for Transport made this known when he addressed party members at the just ended Gushegu Constituency Delegates Conference of the NPP on Wednesday August 25th, 2021. According to him, his priority as an MP is to empower the youth through education indicating that education is the key to human development, and to see development in the Gushegu constituency, there was the need to collaborate with benevolent institutions to support needy students. Mr Tampuli emphasised his readiness to support students who are willing to further their education at the highest level. “One day, I want to see the children from Gu

Police begin prosecution: Camera captures 252 offenders

The Ghana Police Service has started the prosecution of 252 people whose vehicles have been captured by special police monitoring cameras across the country for traffic violations. The special cameras, which are installed at all traffic intersections and vantage points throughout the country as part of the Traffic Monitoring and Surveillance Centre, captured the offenders within the last two weeks. The centre is manned by officers of the Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) of the Police Service. The Director-General of the MTTD, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP) Mr Francis Aboagye-Nyarko, who disclosed this at a media interaction in Accra yesterday, said videos of the activities of the offenders would be used as evidence against them in the course of the prosecution. He said details of the vehicle owners, such as their names, telephone numbers and addresses, the chassis numbers of the vehicles, were obtained from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) to aid in

Teacher Licensure Examination is not useful – Minority to government

Clement Apaak The Minority in Parliament is calling on the Ministry of Education to suspend the Teacher Licensure Examination, saying it is not useful. According to Deputy Ranking Member on the Education Committee, Dr. Clement Apaak, the mode of the licensing was also delaying the postings of teacher trainees to schools in dire need of teachers. He said economically, it does not make sense to train teachers, spend money on them but then have them stay at home because they did not pass the licensure exams. Dr. Apaak who is a member of Parliament for Builsa South constituency, was speaking in an interview on Accra based Joy News on Thursday, August 26. Use training college structure Dr. Apaak suggested that the assessment of the teacher trainees can be done within the context of the structure available at the teacher training colleges. “The Teacher Licensure Exams, as it is currently structured is not useful. We say so because students train for three good years in teacher training colle

GH¢50,OOO towards the construction of National Cathedral

The National Chief Imam, Sheikh Nuhu Sharibatu, has supported the construction of Ghana's National Cathedral with an amount of GHt50,OOO. Sheikh Sharibatu made the donation when the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Apostle Prof Opoku Onyinah and President of the Ghana Bishops Conference, Archbishop Charles Gabriel Palmer-Buckle paid a courtesy call on him at his Fadama residence on Thursday, August 26, 2021. He believed that his contribution will go a long way in erecting the Cathedral which is being championed by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and his government. As part of efforts to finance the project, the general public has been asked to willingly donate an amount of GHCI 00.00 towards the building of the National Cathedral which has received stiff opposition from a section of the public. The Vice-President recently called on faithbased organizations to willingly donate funds to build the Cathedral. Speaking at the Adabraka Official Town branch of the Presbyterian chu

Full text: Ablakwa, Armah-Kofi Buah petition CHRAJ to investigate Defence and Interior Ministers over election 2020 deaths

  Two opposition Members of Parliament (MPs) have petitioned the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) to investigate some seven deaths and eight injuries that occurred during the 2020 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections. The MPs, Mr Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, the representative of North Tongu constituency and Mr Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah, the representative of the Ellembelle constituency, in their petition presented to CHARJ today lodged a complaint against the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Defence as well as the Inspector General of Police of the Ghana Police Service and the Chief of Defence Staff of Ghana Armed Forces. The MPs want disciplinary action as well as the prosecution of the officers that caused death and injuries during the polls. They are also seeking compensation for the victims or their representatives. "The complainants demand that the Commission conduct investigations into the NESTF’s activities during the December 2020 elec

NTC: National Teachers Standard Ghana Handbook

The National Teachers’ Standards represents the first ever collectively agreed standards to guide teacher preparation and practice in the country. The Standards have been developed as a professional tool to guide teacher educators, teachers,student teachers and other stakeholders in education to identify in clear and precise terms what teachers are expected to know and be able to do, qualitiesthey are expected to possess and some behaviour they are supposed to exhibit. The Standards set a clear baseline of expectations for the professional knowledge, practice, conduct, attitude, rights and obligations expected of teachers working in schools at the pre-tertiary level. All teachers completing their initial teacher training will be assessed against the National Teachers’ Standards. It is noteworthy that the National Teachers’ Standards replaces the diversity of standards being used in the various institutions offering initial teacher education and/or providing continuing professional deve

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‘This is our team’ – John Mahama donates GH¢50,000 to RTU to prepare for GPL

Ex-Ghana President John Dramani Mahama has donated a sum of GH¢50,000 to Real Tamale United (RTU) as they prepare to return to the Ghana Premier League. The Tamale-based club qualified to the Ghanaian topflight after topping their zone in the Division One League. As part of his ‘Thank You’ tour in the Northern Region, Mahama said “this is our team” and congratulated the club for qualifying for the Ghana Premier League. He further called on every individual in the region to support the team, while also pledging GH¢50,000 for the preparations ahead of the season. “I want to take this opportunity to congratulate RTU on qualifying to the Premier League and to say that we are all supporters of RTU,” Mahama said, as quoted by Classfmonline. “I want to take this opportunity to congratulate RTU on qualifying to the Premier League and to say that we are all supporters of RTU,”   - John Mahama 

GES distributes remedial materials to schools

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has distributed over 446,954 remedial materials to final year senior high schools (SHS), libraries and teachers in preparedness for this year’s West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for school candidates. The remedial materials contain packs of past questions from 2015 to 2020 and a guide on how to answer them as well as chief examiners reports to help guide the candidates ahead of the WASSCE. In addition to the booklets, the GES presented 140 digital recordings of lessons in the core subjects — Core Mathematics, English Language, Integrated Science and Social Studies to the schools. The Core Mathematics has 30 lessons, English Language has 40 and Social Studies 30. Candidates The Director General of the Ghana Education Service (GES), Prof. Kwasi Opoku-Amankwa, who made this known in an interview with the Daily Graphic, said the distribution of the items formed part of the government’s intervention to second cycle schools. A total

Facebook Retools Messaging Again by Adding Calling to Main App 

Facebook Inc.  is bringing voice and video calling to its flagship social networking service, the latest attempt to fine-tune its communications features after spinning off Messenger as a separate app in 2014.  Some users, including those in the U.S., will be able to place voice or video calls from the Facebook app beginning Monday. The new feature is just a test, but it’s meant to reduce the need to jump back and forth between Facebook’s main app and its Messenger service, said Connor Hayes, director of product management at Messenger.  Facebook also started testing a limited version of Messenger’s inbox in the core Facebook app last fall. Messenger was once built into Facebook’s app, but the company spun it out seven years ago, forcing users to download a separate app in order send private messages from a mobile phone.  Monday’s test is the latest in what has been a slow but consistent effort internally to integrate all of Facebook’s apps and services. Facebook is starting to think o

Stop false exam leak news— WAEC

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) has warned that any false information about the ongoing WASSCE will be detrimental to the integrity of the outcome and can hurt the future of the candidates. The examination body has, therefore, called on any person or entity that wants to put out information regarding the exam to check their facts thoroughly and also involve WAEC. The Head of National Office at WAEC, Mrs Wendy Enyonam Addy-Lamptey, made this call at a press conference to react to a report issued by African Education Watch (Eduwatch) on its social media platform.  She said the report was false and needed to be condemned. The Eduwatch on August 20 this year, alleged in a post on social media the leak of the ongoing West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) practicals. Reckless However, reacting to the report, Mrs Addy-Lamptey said: “Reckless circulations like that create needless pressure on WAEC, candidates, parents and our various stakeholders.  “Local and

53% of SSNIT beneficiaries receive less than GH¢1000 — NPRA

More than half (53 per cent) of the 233,670 pensioners on the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) payroll currently receive less than GH¢1000 per month, Director of Planning, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation at the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA), Mr Ernest Amartey-Vondee, has disclosed. Out of this number, he said 1,669 people were on low pensions of less than GH¢300 per month, with 26,571 of them receiving pensions between GH¢301 and GH¢499. The next bracket is people who receive GH¢501 but less than GHȼ1000 and the number is 124,655. This means that cumulatively, 152,895 people earn pensions less than GH¢1000 which represents 53 per cent of the total number. Mr Amartey-Vondee said this was part of the reasons for the diversification of the pension base which led to the introduction of the three-tier pension scheme in 2010. He was speaking at a stakeholder engagement organised by Old Mutual Ghana. “The main reason for the reforms was to diversify the

Ghanaian student, Ebenezer Azamati elected as president of Oxford University’s African Society

A visually impaired student of the University of Oxford, Ebenezer Azamati, has been elected as the new president of the institution’s African Society (AfriSoc). This was announced in a tweet by AfriSoc on Saturday as it unveiled the new executives of the Society. Mr Azamati will take over administrative affairs from Kenyan, Elisha Ngetich, who had been serving in the role. Historically, Mr Azamati started his PhD in October 2020 after excelling during the rigorous scholarship application process.   He is currently on the Cambridge International Scholarship, which was started in the 1980s, and is reserved for students from outside the European Union, who would ordinarily fail to make it to Oxford without financial support. He studied at the University of Ghana before gaining admission to read Masters of Science in International Politics at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies. So, as the President of AfriSoc, Mr Azamati is expected to champion the

GNAT Rejects the Decision Made by GES to extend Instructional Hours

TO ALL HEADS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS: EXTENSION OF INSTRUCTIONAL HOURS IN ALL PUBLIC BASIC SCHOOLS Our attention has been drawn to a circular from the Municipal Director of Education, New Juaben South, in the Eastern Region, titled: TO ALL HEADS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS: EXTENSION OF INSTRUCTIONAL HOURS IN ALL PUBLIC BASIC SCHOOLS.  Informing the Heads that Instructional hours in all public Basic Schools in the Municipality at all levels have been extended, with the schools to now start classes at 8.00 hours GMT, and close at 15.00 hours GMT, effective Monday, 23rd August, 2021, until otherwise directed. We find this directive unacceptable, and against the letter and spirit of Article 3.3 of the Code of Conduct for Staff of the Ghana Education Service, specifically, a) Article 3.3(i) which reads: Working hours per day shall be as prescribed by Law, b) Article 3.3(ii): Contact hours for staff and time for reporting for duty shall be determined through negotiations by GES and the Unions, and c) Artic

OFFICIAL: GES Opens 2021 promotion Portal - Apply Here

Applications are invited from suitably qualified serving Officers/Teachers for consideration for promotion to the grade of: Deputy Director Assistant Director I  Assistant Director Il  Principal Superintendent  Qualification : Deputy Director : An applicant should have been promoted to the grade of Assistant Director I on or before 2016 and should have been continuously at post since date (except for the periods of approved leave of absence). Assistant Director I : An applicant should have been promoted to the grade of Assistant Drector Il on or before 2016 and should have been continuously at post since date (except for the periods of approved leave of absence). Assistant Director II : An applicant should have been promoted to the grade of Principal Superintendent on or before 2016 and should have been continuously at post since date (except for the periods of approved leave of absence). Principal Superintendent : An applicant should have been promoted to the grade of Senior Superinte

Mahama and Akufo-Addo, who does more with Taxpayer's Money???

I read John Mahama saying on his belated “thank you tour” that NPP wants to break the 8 in order to protect itself from corruption. The simple response to that must be that the NPP wants to break the 8 in order to protect Ghana and the gains being made for Ghanaians from the likes of “Mahama the Disaster”.  The evidence is still fresh in our minds why John Mahama was a disaster and I shudder to think how he would have handled the COVID-19 crisis and its disastrous impact on the economy today.  Our problems are, of course, many and varied. Our struggle is historic, deep, real and naked. So, it is easy to be convinced by an acerbic and sweet tongue that can hit hard and promise paradise.  But, we must be guided by what such a tongue does with its mind, heart and hands when given the opportunity.  My simple response to John Mahama on why NPP must break the 8 is because it is clear to Ghanaians that the NDC doesn’t seem to see any alternative to present to Ghanaians in 2024 but him, John M

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