
Showing posts from August, 2016

Government succours Gushegu ‘Witches'

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection under the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty has began payment of allowances to alleged witches at Gushegu following a mammoth street protest by the camped aged folks.  The inmates have also been enrolled into the E -zwich payment system to avoid further difficulties in payment and financial malfeasance, district authorities have said.  Work at the Gushegu district assembly temporarily halted on Monday, June 14 when the alleged witches angrily invaded the premises and amidst chanting dirges demanding payment of their two years LEAP allowance.  During the protest leader of the inmates at Leli Dabari Alimatu Sadia told Ultimate News they lived on unripe fruits and “grass” for survival.  “We don’t work here so we don’t have anything to depend on. When day break everyone is struggling. We go into the bush and eat Shea fruits even the unripe one or we bring ayoyo home pound it and with little salt we prepare tuo zafi with it,’

UDS Vice Chancellor kicks against conversion of polytechnics into universities

Vice Chancellor of the University for Development Studies (UDS) Prof. Gabriel Ayum Teye has made a case against the planned conversion of polytechnics into universities. According to him, the move will only increase the graduate unemployment population which currently stands at 300,000. This is according to data from the Institute of Statistical and Economic Research (ISSER). “Now we have 10 public universities that produce graduates and by next month we will have 16 public universities in Ghana. “So if you’re having problems with 10 and you add another 6 to it making 16 are you solving the problem or compounding it,” he queried. Prof Ayum Teye was speaking at the 22nd National Delegates’ Congress of the Graduate Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG) in Tamale. He said government is therefore better off supporting the growth of industry to be able to absorb the large number of unemployed graduates. “Government must support industry to grow in order to absorb the huge nu

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