
Showing posts from 2016

N/R: NHIS in limbo as major provider withdraws services

The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA)’s major service provider in the Northern Region, Peekay Gombi Pharmaceuticals, has withdrawn its services with effect from November 1, 2016. This is because of the NHIA’s failure to pay claims submitted for 13 months of service delivery to NHIS subscribers in the Northern Region. Hundreds of NHIS subscribers in Tamale Metropolis who as usual queued at the Peekay Gombi Pharmaceuticals were on Monday November 1 turned away. The Chief Executive Officer of Peekay Gombi pharmaceutical, Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rauf Peekay Gombila, told Citi News the NHIA owed him Ghc2 million. “The total value is around two billion old currency and I cannot continue to service the NHIS subscribers.” “The NHIA owes me three months in 2015, and 10 months in 2016, and so I thought it wise that if I don’t stop the NHIS subscribers and continue to supply the drugs, I will have problem with the suppliers because there  is no money to pay them.” He h

Secondary education in North nearing crisis level – NGO

Mr Issifu Salifu Kanton, Executive Director of Community Development Alliance (CDA), has said Senior High School (SHS) education in Northern Ghana is nearing a crisis level. He said the academic calendar had been so badly affected that a three-year period of education had now been reduced to practically two years, making it difficult for effective teaching and learning. Mr Issifu Salifu Kanton, who made this known at a press conference in Wa, attributed the situation to the consistent delay in the release of feeding grants by successive governments to cover the feeding expenses of SHS students in the Northern, Upper East and the Upper West Regions. He said it was regrettable to note that since 1992 till date, payment of feeding grants to SHSs in the three regions has remained a challenge and posed one of the biggest threats to the delivery of quality education to the people from the affected regions”. “As we speak, government has not released funds for the feeding of SHS st

UDS cuts duration of medical programme to six six years

Professor Gabriel Ayum Teye, Vice Chancellor of UDS Vice Chancellor of University for Development Studies (UDS), Professor Gabriel Ayum Teye, has announced that the duration of the University’s Medical Programme has been reduced from seven to six years. He said the new tenure, which takes effect this academic year, was a decision by the Academic Board of UDS to enable the School of Medicine and Health Sciences run a conventional medical programme as was done in other Medical Schools in other countries. The Vice Chancellor announced this at the 24th Matriculation at UDS Nyankpala Campus in the Northern Region. In a speech read on his behalf, Professor Ayum Teye said the development had reduced the number of students admitted for this year academic to the number, which could just to join their colleagues in the Second Year of the Medical Programme. However, this automatically increases the total number of students, he said. He stated that the University had also admitted

'Abaalaravuu’, the Dagaaba-Frafra peace message the world must learn

When the broth of a dog’s head has ushered and established generational peace between the Dagaabas and Frafras in the Upper West and Upper East regions of Ghana, then there is much for Ghanaians to learn from it as the country heads for the polls in December this year. It won’t be a surprise for questioners to ask if any valuable thing could come out of a story surrounding dog meat and its connection with these two major ethnic groups. Even the awesome attributes and origin of the savior Jesus Christ, whom Christians deem the most important divine gift to the world, stirred skeptics to question whether something good could ever come from Nazareth, his birthplace. But the latter’s strides in human history offers a reason to always discard stereotyped views and re-examine unclear subjects, or issues by according them attention in order to realize their essence and best offerings to society. People of the Dagaaba and Frafra stocks are playmates who do not compromise on their re

Encroachers take over lands belonging to TAMASCO

The Headmaster of the Tamale Senior High School (TAMASCO) in the Northern Region, Mr Suaib Wilberforce Adams, has expressed concern over the activities of encroachers who are taking over lands belonging to the school. He asked them to desist from the practice, explaining that some of them had gone to the extent of converting parts of the school’s lands into drinking bars. He expressed these sentiments when he addressed the 65th anniversary and 22nd Speech and Prize-giving Day of TAMASCO in Tamale. The ceremony, which brought together parents, teachers, chiefs, past and continuing students of the school, was held on the theme: “Sixty-five years of TAMASCO: a legacy of educational excellence built on the foundation of Fortiter, Fideliter, Feliciter.” Mr Adams, who is also the Chairman for the Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary Schools (CHASS) in the northern sector, said anytime the school attempted to fence its lands, some of the encroachers and the residents in

Government succours Gushegu ‘Witches'

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection under the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty has began payment of allowances to alleged witches at Gushegu following a mammoth street protest by the camped aged folks.  The inmates have also been enrolled into the E -zwich payment system to avoid further difficulties in payment and financial malfeasance, district authorities have said.  Work at the Gushegu district assembly temporarily halted on Monday, June 14 when the alleged witches angrily invaded the premises and amidst chanting dirges demanding payment of their two years LEAP allowance.  During the protest leader of the inmates at Leli Dabari Alimatu Sadia told Ultimate News they lived on unripe fruits and “grass” for survival.  “We don’t work here so we don’t have anything to depend on. When day break everyone is struggling. We go into the bush and eat Shea fruits even the unripe one or we bring ayoyo home pound it and with little salt we prepare tuo zafi with it,’

UDS Vice Chancellor kicks against conversion of polytechnics into universities

Vice Chancellor of the University for Development Studies (UDS) Prof. Gabriel Ayum Teye has made a case against the planned conversion of polytechnics into universities. According to him, the move will only increase the graduate unemployment population which currently stands at 300,000. This is according to data from the Institute of Statistical and Economic Research (ISSER). “Now we have 10 public universities that produce graduates and by next month we will have 16 public universities in Ghana. “So if you’re having problems with 10 and you add another 6 to it making 16 are you solving the problem or compounding it,” he queried. Prof Ayum Teye was speaking at the 22nd National Delegates’ Congress of the Graduate Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG) in Tamale. He said government is therefore better off supporting the growth of industry to be able to absorb the large number of unemployed graduates. “Government must support industry to grow in order to absorb the huge nu

Dema Naa apologizes to Tamale ladies for his derogatory comment

The Entertainment chief of Tamale, Chief Abdullah Mohammed Hafiz –Dema Naa has reacted swiftly to our earlier post where he was reported to have said he  slept with half of the ladies in Tamale ever since he returned from the UK some five years ago. In a phone conversation with the editor of, The Chief who sounded soft spoken and remorseful on the telephone said he made those comments ‘under the moments of madness’, quoting his exact words. ‘I will like to use your medium again to apologize to the people of Tamale especially the entire womanhood for the comments I made on radio concerning Tamale ladies. From the bottom of my heart, please tell everyone I’m sorry. I will render a formal unqualified apology to the people of Tamale on the same platform next week Saturday. Chief Hafiz added remorsefully. According to him, he has always supported women empowerment initiatives especially within the Tamale Metropolis .

I had ‘SEX’ with half of Tamale ladies - Dema Naa alleges

The Chief Executive Officer of Tarch House Productions, who doubles as the Entertainment Chief of Tamale (Dema Naa), Mohammed Hafiz Dema-Naa I, made one of the wildest sex allegation ever on live radio. According to the Ex British Military Officer , between now and when he returned to Ghana from the UK some five years ago, he has ‘chopped’  half of Tamale ladies. He made this wild allegation when he appeared as a panel member on Zaa Radio’s weekend entertainment talk show called the Zaa Chat Show. ‘I have finished half of Tamale girls’ Chief Hafiz stated explicitly. He told the host if he dared him, he will start mentioning names of ladies he slept with. is gathering information which suggest one women empowerment NGO based in Tamale is not happy with his pronouncement on radio and is initiating steps to get the ‘Agro hene’ of Tamale retract and apologize to the entire womanhood of Tamale on the same programme. Source:  Nash 

Woman Killed In Tamale Floods


Full TEXT: Guardian Newspaper Interview...What Rawlings ACTUALLY Said

Anti- Corruption: Nigeria Can Involve The People, Provoke Moral Outrage His Excellency, former President of Ghana, Flt Lt (rtd) Jerry John Rawlings, was twice head of state of Ghana. In this no-holds-barred interview with EMEKA ANUFORO, he speaks on a range of issues, including Nigeria under President Muhammadu Buhari, corruption in Africa, his country, Ghana, and the way forward for African countries. On things that destroy the moral fabric of societies In the first place, I think that things have gone astray since the collapse of the bipolar world. I keep talking about Pope John Paul II castigating the dominant Western economic philosophy when he called it the savagery of capitalism. The conduct of affairs internationally has pretty much gone out of hands. But some of us appear to be immune to it or appear to be getting used to it. All the things you don’t expect to happen in a healthy government, in a democratic context, are happening: the greed, the impunity

I'm bigger than Shatta Wale in the north - Fancy Gadam

Tamale based hiplife artiste Fancy Gadam says he is bigger an artiste in the northern part of Ghana than Shatta Wale and any other Ghanaian artiste for that matter. In an interview with Sammy Flex on AM Pluzz on Pluzz FM, Fancy Gadam revealed boldly that even though the likes of Shatta Wale, Sarkodie, Samini, Stonebwoy and Co are all bigger than him as a brand, he has more following in the North and would pull the biggest crowd to a show in the northern region than any of the aforementioned huge names. Asked what makes him more appealing to his people, he revealed that his songs have good content that advises his people. Recently, he pulled over 12000 people to the Tamale sports stadium for his album launch. A crowd which has never been seen for any major event headlined by Ghana’s A list artistes. This feat he attained became news and blew his brand even more than before. The “concrete” hit maker is currently in Accra to do some collaborations. Do you believe that

Northern Pilgrims to Fly From Tamale Airport to Madina

Muslim pilgrims from the three northern regions who will be traveling to Mecca from Ghana for this year’s religious exercise will be airlifted straight from the upgraded Tamale airport. By this, travelers to the Holy Land will no longer be required to travel to be camped in Hajj Villages in Accra before embarking on their trip. The Chairman of National Hajj Board Alhaji Abdul-Rauf Tanko disclosed that 3 flights with an average capacity of 500 passengers will fly directly from Tamale to Madina in Saudi Arabia. The first flight from Tamale is scheduled to leave on 20th August, 2016. The fare according to him has remained unchanged since 2013.

Chief’s son murdered at Nyohini in Tamale

The Tamale Police Criminal Investigations Department (CID), is on a manhunt for the alleged murderers of 48-year-old Nantand The deceased, son of the Nyohini chief, was beaten to death last Thursday over the sale of a parcel of land. The late Nantando Abukari’s son was not spared as he reportedly attempted to cover up his late father’s transaction. An eyewitness said the late Nantando Abukari sold the said parcel of land located at the Tamale old Airport area at the cost of GHC20.000.00. According to the eyewitness, the siblings of the deceased demanded their share of the money but he declined, which resulted in his gruesome murder. Police are investigating to ascertain the cause of death.

Tamale GHANASCO, Vitting SHSs to reopen May 2

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has lifted the ban on temporary closure of two Senior High Schools in the Tamale Metropolis. Ghana and Vitting Senior High Schools were temporarily shut down following students’ reprisal attacks after a disputed soccer match. Northern Regional Director of the Ghana Education Service, Alhaji Mohammed Haroun Cambodia set up a committee to investigate the rioting which led to the destruction of school properties on both campuses. The committee has finally submitted its report to the Ghana Education Service. Alhaji Mohammed Haroun Cambodia exclusively told Citi News that he issued a white paper on it. He said all recommendations captured on the report will be implemented to the latter. He revealed that students of the two schools are to sign a bond of good behavior when they report to school on Monday 2. According to Alhaji Mohammed Haroun Cambodia, the students will by extension pay GHC11.00 and GHC15.00 for the destroyed school prope

Resolve conflicts in Northern Region now – Muslim Clerics

Muslim Clerics in the Northern Region have called on government to renew its commitment to permanently resolve chieftaincy conflicts spread in various parts of the region. They argued that the Dagbon chieftaincy impasse, that of Bimbila and Bunkprugu are national security threats which require a lasting solution. Addressing a joint news conference in Tamale by the Tijaniya and Ahlisuna Muslim communities, they served notice that the situation in Dagbon, Bimbila and Bunkprugu could escalate during this year’s electioneering campaign season, hence calls for government’s rapid response. They further advocated the establishment of peace committees in Bimbila and Bunkprugu to assist other mediators trying to resolve these incessant conflicts. They reiterated the need for the three eminent chiefs mediating the Dagbon chieftaincy stalemate at the Manhyia palace to impartially implement the road map to peace in Dagbon. Sheikh Imam Amin Bamba, Chief Imam and Spiritual leader of Mas

Growing list of elite traditional rulers in Dagbon; will these educated chiefs make the difference?

The Northern region of Ghana is arguably the epicenter of bitter chieftaincy and political conflicts in the country. Ethnic and chieftaincy conflicts have occurred many times in Buipe, Yendi, Bimbilla, Gushegu, Nakpanduri and Bunkprugu-Yunyoo all in the northern region of Ghana. The causes of these communal disturbances range from chieftaincy disputes, land ownership, inter and intra ethnic disagreements and sporadic political clashes largely between the supporters of the two major political parties in the country; the NDC and NPP. As we are no doubt aware, these unfortunate conflicts have serious monumental repercussions on the social, political, security and economic landscape of the region in particular and the country as a whole. To all intents and purposes, these protracted chieftaincy and land ownership disputes in Dagbon, Gonjaland, Na-Nung and Mamprugu Kingdoms in the northern region can be attributed largely to leadership failure. The chief on assumption of office pledge a

Old Ghanascans storm Kumasi

Prof. Y. S. Beliqah, former Rector of Tamale Polytechnic (2nd from left) chairing the inauguration in Kumasi of the OGA   By : Razak El- Alawa I was part of history when old students of Ghana Secondary School, Tamale, gathered at the Great Hall of Kumasi Polytechnic on Saturday, February 27, 2016 to inaugurate the Ashanti regional branch of the Old Ghanascans Association (OGA). My readers will wonder what business I have with Ghana Secondary School, Tamale, first named Ghana College when it was established in 1960 and by which name it is still popularly called by the older generation, even though it is today officially known as Ghana Senior High School, which confuses a number of older generation Old Ghanascans. Ghanasco and Presec Ghanasco is one of the two senior high schools I have some emotional attachment to, for many reasons. The other is Presbyterian Boys Senior High School, Legon. I taught in these two schools in the 70s after I had left the University of Ghana,

Ibrahim Mahama to acquire 70% stake in RTU

Ghanaian business mogul Ibrahim Mahama set to take over the ownership of GN Bank Division One side Real Tamale United after the club decided to go on the stock exchange markets. The brother of the President of Ghana is set to acquire 70% stakes of the floated shares. Ibrahim will be the new owner of the Northern giants when the takeover is complete. Alhassan Yekini, a management member of Real Tamale United confirmed the deal to UraSports in the Upper East Region. "We are opening the sale of shares for people to buy and Ibrahim Mahama said he wants to take majority of the shares,” he said. “So automatically he becomes the owner of the club. He wants to take 70% of the shares. “He is going to takeover the club but they are still on the documentation and I hope by next week it will be completed."

Ghana@50 uncompleted toilet facility causes mess in Lamashegu

A section of residence in the Lamashegu North Electoral area on Monday 8, February 2016, expresses their dismay about indiscriminate defecation in an uncompleted “Ghana@50” toilet facility and its surroundings. The facility is located opposite to the Lamashegu former Health Insurance Building-close to the junction to Justice Fm; a road that leads to Lamashegu Primary in the Tamale South constituency in the the Northern region. The residence and business owners living around the vicinity say, the bad smell that emanates from the unroofed public toilet poses health hazards to them and their children. They complain that, a cross section of the people ease themselves in the building with the excuse that, there is no any toilet facility around the area. According to them, several complains to the assembly member for the electoral area to curb the situation proved futile. The Assembly Member for the Lamashegu North Electoral area Honourable Sulemana Alhassan also known as Alhassan

Statement issued by the Eminent Kings containing the final peace agreement on the Dagbon Chieftaincy Conflict

STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE COMMITTEE OF EMINENT KINGS OF HIS MAJESTY OTUMFUO OSEI TUTU II; THE YAGBONWURA BAWA DOSHIE AND THE NAYIRI MAHAMI ABDULAI NAA BOHAGU CONTAINING THE FINAL PEACE AGREEMENT ON THE DAGBON CHIEFTAINCY CONFLICT. Background In furtherance of the “Roadmap to Peace” signed by the representatives of the Royal Abudu and Andani Gates at the Manhyia Palace in Kumasi on the 30th March 2006, the Eminent Kings have met with accredited representatives of the families on the 16th and 17th November 2007 to agree on a final peace agreement on the Dagbon chieftaincy conflict, in reaching the final Peace Agreement we take notice of the following clauses of the “Roadmap to Peace”. 1. Clause A, “that since Naa Yakubu Andani died in office his regent will take precedence and that Dagbon custom did not contemplate a situation where there would would be two sitting Ya Naas or Regents at the same time”. 2. Clause I “there can only be one palace in Dagbon kingdom. The temporary

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