
Showing posts from July, 2015

Tamale Radio Presenter Jailed Four Years for Gay Scam

A Circuit Court in Tamale has jailed one of the region’s most popular radio presenters Nuhu Abu Hassan, also known as DJ Maestro, to 4 years imprisonment. Ruling was today handed in the case in which he duped a member of the Federal Council of Germany, Hans Dieter Heirrich, through the internet. Heirrich, who wasn’t in court fell to Maestro’s scams over a period of time after he expressed interest in investing in Northern Ghana. A well-known presenter who was recently nominated for Best Hiplife DJ in the region, he was arrested and later granted bail after a complaint was lodged that he had defrauded his victim to the tune of $17,000, claiming it was meant for building a house at Sagnarigu, a suburb in Tamale. Stephen Zoure, the Northern Regional Correspondent of private newspaper Daily Guide who has been following the case from day one, gives the facts of the case as: The accused and his victim met through the internet nine months ago and struck an acquaintance. The German legis

Northern Regional Minister downplays Andanis threat

The Northern Regional Minister, Alhaji Mohammed Muniru Limuna has downplayed a purported statement from the Andani family in Dagbon kicking against government’s resolve to find lasting solution to the Dagbon chieftaincy crisis. Government in an attempt to solve the age long chieftaincy crisis between the Abudu and Andani royals in Dagbon hinted of performing the final funeral rituals of the late two overlords of Dagbon, Yaa-Naa Mahamadu Abdulai and Yaa-Naa Yakubu Andani II. However, a statement issued by Abdulai Yakubu Andani in his capacity as representative of the late Yaa-Naa Yakubu Andani II family cautioned government against the move. He disassociated the Andani family from government’s agenda and concluded that the family will resist any attempt to perform the funerals of any late Yaa-Naa in Dagbon. According to him, their opposition to the move was non-negotiable. In addressing the media in Tamale, Alhaji Mohammed Muniru Limuna described the statement as baseless.  He

Full Statement: Andani family denounces plans for funeral rites of late Dagbon kings

PRESS STATEMENT BY THE FAMILY OF THE LATE YAA-NAA YAKUBU ANDANI II ON THE PURPORTED FUNERAL RITES OF LATE YAA-NAAS AS ANNOUNCED BY THE HON. NORTHERN REGIONAL MINISTER, ALHAJI MOHAMMED MUNIRU LIMUNA: MONDAY 27 JULY 2015. The attention of the family of the late Yaa-Naa Yakubu Andani II has been drawn to statements published on Ghanaweb General News of Monday, 20 July 2015 and attributed to the Hon. Northern Regional Minister, Alhaji Mohammed Muniru Limuna on the purported funeral rites of late Yaa-Naas supposedly set for November. First of all we would like to express outrage at the blatant disregard for Dagbon tradition and customs by the Hon. Regional Minister who in making these statements has blatantly usurped the role of the Kuga Naa, the most senior member of the elders of Dagbon and Head of the Judicial Council of Dagbon, who is the only person who has the traditional authority and customary responsibility of making such announcements. The Hon. Minister’s comments bring back a

I wanted to kill Mahama – Gunman confesses

The suspect, Charles Antwi who was arrested at the Ringway Assemblies of God church for carrying a loaded gun has confessed that he went there to kill President John Dramani Mahama. He said this in court on Tuesday. He told the court presided over by Justice Francis Obiri that he “wanted to kill the President Mahama to take over his position.” Charles Antwi further told the court that he “had to be sworn in as president when president John Evans Atta Mills died.” He said, that was his fourth time going to the church adding that he has no document to the weapon. He said in all the four times, he went with a gun three times adding that the president was in church the first time he went without any weapon. Charles Antwi insisted that trying to kill the president was a way of fighting for the nation explaining that the nation’s current electoral system is not helping to improve its democracy. He narrated that a military personnel directed him to the president’s church at Ringway. C

Andanis reject funeral time table for Yaa-Naas

Government’s agenda towards performing the final funeral rites of the late two overlords of Dagbon might hit another snag because the family of the late Yaa-Naa Yakubu Andani is kicking against the move. Government in a move to resolve the age-long Dagbon chieftaincy crisis has set November 2015 to begin performing the funeral rituals of the late two overlords of Dagbon. The construction of adjoining palaces to the old Gbewaa palace in Yendi where the funerals are expected to be performed is almost complete. The Northern Regional Minister, Alhaji Mohammed Muniru Limuna earlier told Citi News plans were underway to perform the final funeral rituals of the late Yaa-Naa Mahama Abdulai and that of the late Yakubu Andani II. Alhaji Limuna cautioned persons suspected to be chieftaincy contractors in Dagbon against any attempt to thwart government’s efforts. Click hear to listen to the Minister . But the family of the late Yaa-Naa Yakubu Andani II has downplayed the move describing it as

Ghana 1-100 India: The famous 'match' that never was

There is a local football tale almost as old as the Ghanaian game itself. Now, whoever spun this story must have had quite a fertile imagination, for virtually every boy who grew up in Ghana in a certain era (this writer included, and probably yourself as well, if you are not too embarrassed to admit it) gobbled it up with wide-eyed boyish curiosity - every surreal bit of it. It is the tale narrating the fictional football match between Ghana and India. The one that ended 100-1 to the latter yet saw the former run out as 'winners'. Depending on which account one is more familiar with, there are quite a few variations. The core of the story, though, remains fairly consistent. So, then, here goes this intriguing fable as most of us heard as toddlers. Ghana played India at an unknown venue and on a similarly obscure date - I am as oblivious to those details as you most likely are - and, somehow, the latter ended up scoring a hundred goals in 90 minutes; again, please don't

Power Minister threatens to relocate VRA HQ from Tamale to Techiman

Power Minister Dr Kwabena Donkor is threatening to relocate the Head quarters of the Volta River Authority from Tamale to Techiman if the persistent vandalism does not cease. The Minister said such vandalism cannot be tolerated in a democratic dispensation. He made the comment in Tamale during the commissioning of substation of the Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCo). Some youth in Tamale only recently attacked the Volta River Authority office in the Northern Region and destroyed some equipment. The attack was in protest over the power crisis in the region. But Dr Kwabena Donkor said such acts of lawlessness cannot be countenanced. "I want to express my dismay at the vadalism of equipment and premises of NEDCo and GRIDCO. "I will not hesitate to remove the Head office of NEDCo to Techiman if this vandalism continues. "The era of vandalism particularly in Tamale must come to an end. We will not accept this. "We must learn to resolve this withou

Government cautions Dagbon Chieftaincy Contractors

Government has cautioned people suspected to be chieftaincy contractors in Dagbon against any attempt to thwart efforts aimed at resolving the age long chieftaincy dispute between the Abudu and Andani Royals. The Abudu and Andani Royals in Dagbon have over the years being at loggerheads because of the awaiting funerals. But government has dropped hint of performing the final funeral rituals of the late two overlords of Dagbon, Yaa-Naa Mahamadu Abdulai and Yaa-Naa Yakubu Andani II. The outspoken Northern Regional Minister, Alhaji Mohammed Muniru Limuna told Citi News government’s agenda on uniting Dagbon was on course. He said government will fully implement the roadmap instituted by the Asantehene led three eminent chiefs committee mediating the Dagbon chieftaincy deadlock. Alhaji Mohammed Muniru Limuna urged leaders of the Abudu and Andani Royals in Dagbon to ignore the machinations of invisible hands and cooperate with government to end their feud. “We are going forward: the pe

Funerals of two late Dagbon kings to be performed in November- Gov’t

Government has announced plans to perform the final funeral rites of the late kings of Dagbon, Ya-Naa Mahamadu Abdulai and Ya-Naa Yakubu Andani in November, to pave way for the enskinment of a substantive Ya-Naa. Government believes this will bring lasting peace to Dagbon and end the over a decade long chieftaincy crisis in the area. “Government has resolved to do everything possible to unite Dagbon, some people have already started opposing it and are trying to thwart that effort, claiming in Dagbon tradition, funerals cannot be performed during the rainy seasons but we will perform them this coming November”. Northern Regional Minister, Alhaji Mohammed Muniru Limuna told a gathering of Islamic Clerics in Tamale Wednesday evening. Islamic clerics from both the Sunni Muslim Sect and the Tijanniya Muslim sect, politicians from the NDC and NPP, chiefs and opinion leaders in the metropolis gathered at the residence of Islamic scholar, Sheikh Dr. Mohammed Awal Tameem to dine, as part o

The wicked lecturer

Three university guys dodged exam because they did not study. They came up with a plan, got themselves dirty using grease, then went to see the lecturer . "Sir we are sorry we couldn't make it to the exam. We attended a wedding and on our way back, the car broke down thus we became so dirty as u can see". The lecturer understood and gave them three days to prepare. After three days they went to the lecturer very ready for the exam because they had studied. The lecturer put them in three separate classes with only four(4) questions on the exam paper; 1. Who and who got married? (25marks) 2. Where was the reception held?(25marks) 3. Where exactly did the car broke down?(25marks) 4. What type of car broke down?(25marks) Marking scheme: your answers must be the same. Good luck guys!!

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