
Showing posts from November, 2014

Soldiers Brutalise Students Of Wa Islamic School

Two students of the Islamic Senior High School in Wa were admitted to hospital yesterday following a high-handed military action to quell a stand-off between the students and the school authorities. The students, a male and a female, were the main casualties of an apparent simultaneous police and military action to break the front of the students, as their peaceful protest degenerated into chaos. The soldiers allegedly invaded the girls’ dormitory and started beating the riotous students following a call to the police to go to the school and restore order. The two students were being treated and monitored at the Islamic Hospital in Wa as of press time yesterday, hospital sources told the Daily Graphic. An eyewitness said it took some guts by the Deputy Crime Officer of the Upper West Regional Police Command, Assistant Superintendent of Police Mr George Asare, to calm the military personnel who had gone into action without the knowledge of the police. School activities returned to

District Assembly’s Vehicles Seized Over Indebtedness

A Bolgatanga High Court has impounded two vehicles belonging to the Talensi District Assembly for its inability to pay its debt to Tomore and Sons Company Ltd. The two cars are the official black Nissan Patrol of the District Chief Executive, with registration number GN 1790-11, and a red Navara Pick-Up with registration number GT 3591-11, which is the official vehicle for the District Coordinating Director. Tomore and Sons Company Ltd is demanding a total amount of GH¢ 81,345 from the Talensi District Assembly. The total debt comprises the principal amount of GH¢51,000, an interest of GH¢25,245 accrued from October 2012 to October 2014, and the legal cost of GH¢5,100. In October 2011, Tomore and Son Company Ltd, a construction firm, was awarded a contract by the Talensi District Assembly, then the Talensi-Nabdam District Assembly, to build a one-unit three classroom block with a store, four seater KVIP and urinal at Woog, all valued at GH¢60,000. According to facts of the case, t

'After 3 days in coma, I was declared dead and put in the morgue' - UDS worker

A 26-year-old Systems Administrator of the University for Development Studies (UDS), Tamale campus, Ransford Stanley Baidoo, needs help to have his fractured right leg corrected to save his life. Mr Baidoo was one of eight survivors in the November 2012 fatal accident on the Tamale road near the Kamina Barracks where 51 people perished The IT specialist was on his way to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, to defend his thesis in Information Technology in his second degree programme when the accident happened. The commercial Benz bus on which he was travelling, had a head-on collision with a Metro Mass bus which resulted in the fracture in his right leg. He was rushed to the Tamale Teaching Hospital but after three days in coma, he was declared dead and placed at the Morgue. What apparently saved the young man, according to his narration when he visited the  Kumasi office of the Graphic Communications Group  Limited was that at the time, the ref

Pupils still studying under trees in Tolon

Hundreds of basic school pupils in the Tolon District of the Northern Region have been forced to study under trees. This is because 12 basic school blocks which were ripped off by rainstorm in the area are yet to be repaired. The disaster occurred several months ago and one of the affected schools was Woribogu Ahmadiya Primary School. Additionally, some of the classrooms are overcrowded due to inadequate infrastructure. Head teacher of Woribogu Ahmadiya Primary School, Christiana Alandong earlier called for government’s immediate attention. The Member of Parliament for Tolon, Hon. Wahab Suhuyini Wumbei told Citi News plans were afoot to fix the problem. “During the onset of the rains a number of schools in the district were affected by rainstorm but we were able to do estimates for nine schools.” He explained, “I wrote to the Ministry of education through the district Director of education and just last two months the Ministry of education gave approval for the refurbishment of

11 year old girl defiled in Tamale

A 28 year old man is in the grips of the Tamale Police Criminal Investigations Department (CID) for defiling an 11 year girl. Both the alleged man and the traumatized girl are natives of Kpalsi, a community in Tamale. Narrating her traumatic experience to Citi News, the little girl (name withheld) in class four  said the alleged rapist, Alhassan Dakogu lured her to sit on his motorbike on her way to a video rental shop. She said Alhassant took her to a mini forest behind the Tamale Polytechnic GETfund hostel where he allegedly defiled her. According to her, she cried out loud for help and some residents rushed to the scene to save her. Alhassan Dakogu attempted to run away but was arrested by the residents and handed over to the little girls’ family. According to reports, the family of the little girl physically assaulted the alleged rapist before handing him over to the Police in Tamale. Alhassan Dakogu admitted raping her but blamed the devil for deepening his woes. The littl

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