Death- from the womb to the tomb!
We lie to ourselves because they're only actors. They're not good as been killed. They're only acting. So the scenario of death, doesn't even come to us. It doesn't really reach home.
You're busy piling up, calculating, developing your carrier, your money, your occupation, your wealth. Until you visit the funeral. Think about it, when was the last time that you went to a funeral or grave? Was it your mother, father, grandfather, uncle, cousin...?
When you went and saw that person whom you loved, that was laughing, crying, boasting, wealthy, educated, denied arrogant, what ever they were. What was the demeanor of the people when you walked into that funeral.
Where they cracking jokes, dancing, clapping, singing. No! Silence, melancholy, trauma. Why? Because every person that seen the person stretched out. The first thing they thought about, was this not the person, one day will it be me?
All of us are engaged in running our mouths, doing business, multiplying, buying houses, cars, what ever you're doing and when you're told about God, religion, life... You say, I don't have time for that. In a matter of fact, I don't believe in God... Science is so sophisticated that, I think they're at a verge of being able to solve the whole thing of death soon...
See how arrogant people can be. Until they visit the funeral house. After there, if you've the guts, if you're able to do so, you go to the grave and you say to yourself, is that it? I mean fifty, sixty years, strength, struggling, stealing, fornicating...
This is the end of it? Is this what gonna happen to me? Are they gonna be dropping me into a hole in a ground. The same hole the cat digs after it deficate, just a little deeper though, but for the same reason. The cat digs and covers because it has dignity, something human beings don't seem to have.
You and I, will go into that hole and people will be crying, pulling their heads, screaming, almost acting like they're falling or jumping in with you, not really though. It's only act because no one is going to jump in and stay in there because they don't love you that much. And after the shoveling, they 'll fill it up and leave you there. Everybody will go back to their places.
So if that woman who died has a husband, somebody is gonna marry him and vice versa. It really means after they've walked away from that grave. It's over. What about the person in the grave? What's happening?
You and I know that death is like a sleep. The spirit is gone but the body is there... Your can't call out, shout, say don't leave me here. But you're going to be hearing and seeing because that is a different kind of conciousness. But you can't move.
Why is it that we just don't live and disappear? Because we're called upon to go into another womb called the tomb. You start up in the womb of your mother and you'll end up in the tomb of the earth. That is from the womb to the tomb. That's the whole trip and this is what you'll have to think about. That grave is going to be a place of drama and trauma?
If the person who gave you life in the begining, is He not gonna be able to give you life again and judge you? You may want to deny it because you don't want to be judged. But you'll be judged... Death is a fact that nobody can deny it.
Is there somebody who thinks he/she is not going to die? If you don't want to agree with me, let us move pass that. On the D' day, there'll only be deeds. Because that's what we human beings have to offer on that day, deeds. That's the whole purpose of our life, to do deeds.
To perform, see what the tongue says, see what the private parts do, see what the hands do, see where the legs and the feet go to, see what the mind feels and thinks, what the eyes see, see what kind of emotions the heart hold and what is the final result on that day, the deeds will be laid out.
Seek after the truth, if you doubt this is your end and my end. Let me remind you and myself that this life is very short. This is not a movie. This is a scripture.
You may say to me that this sounds like a dream. I don't believe that. But you don't even believe you're gonna die. You can't imagine that. You can't imagine the grave. You can't imagine why you were in your mothers' womb. You can't imagine before that yet all these scenarios where realities for you to get here. And all these realities for you to leave here.
And certainly this issue of judgement is a matter of scripture. Every prophet of God told their people about it. Now I'm not the one who saying it, that if you don't believe in God...
I'm not the one to say, who is going to heaven and who is not. But certainly you're going to answer for what you did on this earth with the gift that you were given. Don't be caught by surprise and don't be in a situation that on that day you'll deny and say that you didn't know.
Now lie to yourself if you want to and dream about it and keep this in mind each one of us only has a number of days or months and years before the reality of death comes to us.
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